TREATY—CHINA. Ocroann 8, 1903. Hles. See Tools. H’k·Tl¤- Fire clay .._,,..,...,..,.,,,.,...,.,..,.. - .. per picul- . 0. 050 Firewood ..,. - ..,. - , . .,. do . 010 Fish: Cuttle .. . ... do . 667 Dried or smoked, in bulk (including stockiish but not including cuttle~ Esh) ..,.,. . . .per picul. . . 315 Fresh ... ... -- .do . 137 Maws . . · ..,. do 4. 250 Salt do . 160 Stock .. do . 315 Fishskins . , . do . 600 Flints . . do . 040 Flour. See Cereals. Flour, arrowroot, potato, sago, tapioca, yam .. . . 5 per ct. Fungus or agaric ...,.. . . per picul. - 1. 715 Fungus, white . .per cattyiu . 250 Galangal ... er picu . . . 170 Gambier ... i). - .do . 300 Gambier, false or cunao (yam-root dyestuff) .. do . 150 Gamboge- -I , ... do 2. 700 Gasoline or stove naphtha .. per 10 gallon drum.. . 150 Ginseng: · 'rst ualit va ue exc ing 2 tae per catty ... per catty. . . Cmd? ( l eed is ) 220 Second quality (value not exceeding 2 taele per catty) . do.--.. . 072 Clariiied or cleaned- First (value exceeding 11 taels per catty) .. do 1. 100 Secou q `ty (value exceeding 6 taels but not exceeding 11 taels per css5H) . ... . ... r catty.. . 375 Third q ity (value exceeding 2 taels but not exceexddg 6 taels per ... 1 per catty. - . 220 Glass Fourth q ty (value not exeeeding 2 taels per catty) . do . 080 Plate- Silvered .. per square foot,. .025 Unsilvered 5 per ct. Window- , Colored, stained, ground, or obscured. .per box of 100 square feet. - .350 Common, not stained, colored, or otherwise obscnued . do . 170 Glass powder (see match-making materials) ... per picul - . . 110 Glue ... do .830 Gold thread, imitation. See Thread. Groundnuts per picul- - . 150 Gum arabic . do 1.000 Gum benjamin .. do . 600 Gum benjamin, oil of .. 5 per ct. Gum dragon’s blood . per picul-- 4. 000 Gum myrrh . do . 465 Gum olibauum . ... . . do . 450 Gum resin .. do . 187 Gotta-percha. Size India rubber. Hair, horse . do 1. 400 Hair, horsetails ... . - . - . do 2.500 Hams 5 per ct. Handkerchiefs. Sec Cotton piece goods. Hartall or orpiment . per picul- - . 450 Hemp .. . . 5 per ct. Hessians or burlaps, all weights per 1,000 yards-, 2.850 Hide poison or specific ,... . ...,,... 5 per ct. Hides, buffalo and cow .. per picul- - .800 Holl0w~ware: cast coated or tinned ,.,,..,,,.. do . 500 Hoofs, animal ..,..,... , .,,,..,___,,___,__,. do ,__, . 125 H0pS .. . .. 5 per ct. Horus; Buffalo and cow ..,...,,_,., per picul- . . 350 Deer .. 5 per ct. Rhmoeeros . - s .,..,,,,._..,,,..._,,_,,,_.,,___._ per catty . . 2. 400 Hosiery. See Cotton piece gpods (socks). India-rubber and gutta-perc a articles (other than boots and shoes) .. 5 per ct. Induvrubber and gutta-percha, crude ...,,,,,,_,,__,,,________ per pigu1_ _ 3, 140 India-rubber boots .,,,_,,_ _ __,,_,______,_____ per- i;·_ _ _ 080 Indiarrubber shoes ...,.,,__,__ ,, ___,__________,____,_ rig: ____ , 020 lndiwrubber, old (fit only for remanufactm-e) .,.,..,.,,,,,,_, per pico], _ , 250
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