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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 2.djvu/959

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TREATY—ETHIOPIA. December 27, 1903.

December 27, 1903.Treaty between the United States and the King of Ethiopia to regulate the commercial relations between the two countries. Signed at Addis-Ababa, December 27, 1903; ratification advised by the Senate, March 12, 1904; ratified by the President, March 17, 1904; King of Ethiopia notified of ratification, August 2, 1904; proclaimed, September 30, 1904.

By the President of the United States of America. A PROCLAMATION.

Preamble.Whereas a treaty of commerce between the United States of America and His Majesty Menelik II, King of Kings of Ethiopia, was concluded on the twenty-seventh day of December one thousand nine hundred and three, the original of which treaty, being in the Amharic* and French languages, is word for word as follows:


Contracting parties.His Majesty Menelik II, King of Kings of Ethiopia, and the United States of America having agreed to regulate the commercial relations between the two countries and develop them, and render them more and more advantageous to the two contracting Powers:
Plenipotentiaries.His Majesty Menelik II, King of Kings of Ethiopia, in the name of the Empire, and Robert P. Skinner. in the name of the United States of America, have agreed and stipulated that which follows:


Sa Majesté Menilek II. Roi des Rois d’Ethiopie et les Etats-Unis d’Amérique, ayant Convenu de régler les relations Commerciales entre les deux pays, de les développer et de les rendre de plus en plus avantageuses aux deux puissances Contractantes: Sa Majesté Menilek Il, Roi des Rois d’Fithiopie, au nom de Son Empire et Robert P. Skinner, muni des pleins pouvoirs du Président Roosevelt, au nom des Etats Unis d’Amérique ont Convenu et Stipulé ce qui suit:

Article I.

Reciprocal freedom of business and travel.The citizens of the two Powers, like the citizens of other countries, shall be able freely to travel and to transact business throughout the extent of the territories of the two contracting Powers, while respecting the usages, and submitting themselves to the tribunals of the countries in which they may be located.

Article 1.

Les citoyens des deux puissanees pourront en toute liberte, Comme les citoyens des autres pavs, circuler et Commercer dans l`étendue des territoires des deux puissances Contractantes en respectant les usages et Se Soumettant aux tribunaux du pays ou ils se trouveront.

* Amharic text not printed. Translation furnished by Commissioner.