CONVENTION——CUBA. JANUAEY 20, 1904. 2261 Supplementary convention between the United States and Ouba extend- ·l'““'“’Y “"· 1**- ing the period within which may be exchanged the ragfcahfons if the treaty of May Q2, 1903, between the United States an Ouba, em ody- ing the provisions defining their future relations. Signed at Washington, Janua 20, 190.4; ratification advised by the Senate, January 27, 1.904; ratzyjlizd by the President, June 25, 1.904; ratifed by Cuba, June F20, 190 · ratoffications wcchanged at Washington, Jlly 1, 190.4,* proclaimed, Jhly 2, 1.90.4. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES or AMERICA. A PROCLAMATION. VVhereas a Sup lementary Convention between the United States of Prwmble- America aud the Pepublic of Cuba, extending the time within which may be exchanged the ratiiications of the treaty signed May 22, 1903, *’°*’· P- 22**- embodying the provisions defining the future relations of the United States with Cuba, contained in the Act of Congress of the United States V<>1-¤1y1>·897· sijgproved March 2, 1901, was concluded and signed by their respective enipotentiaries at Washington, on the twentieth da of January one thousand nine hundred and four, the ori inal of which, Supplementary Convention, being in the English and Sgiianish languages, is word for word as follows: The United States of America Los Estados Unidos de América <><>¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ r>·¤¤¤¢ and the Republic of Cuba, consid- y la Republica de Cuba 'uzgando ering it ex dient to prolong the conveniente prorrogar ei periodo riod witiiiii which, by Article dentro del cual, por el Articulo Pdll of the treaty signed by their VIII del Tratado suscrito por sus respective plenipotentiaries on respectivos Plenipotenciarios, el -**·’*· ¤— #*2- May 22, 1903, embodying the pro- dia veintidos de Mayo de mil novevisionsdefiningthe future relations cientos tres, incluyendo las dispoof the United States with Cuba, siciones que delinen las relaciones contained in the act of Congress futuras de los Estados Unidos con · of the United States approved Cuba comprendidas en la Ley del March 2, 1901, the exchange of Congreso de los Estados Unidos V<>1-3rv-8°-W- ratiiivations of the said treaty shall aprobada el dia dos de Marzo de take place, have for that purpose mil novecientos uno, se verificara appointed their respective lenipo- el cange de las ratificaciones de tentiaries, namely: dicbo ratado, han nombrado al afecto sus respectivos Plenipotenciarios, a saber: The President of the United El Presidente de los Estados *’*°¤iP°*°¤'*¤’*°°· States of America. John Hay, Sec- Unidos de América, a John Hay, retary of State of the United Secretario de Estado de los Estados States; and Unidos; y The President of Cuba, Gonzalo El Presidente de Cuba, a Gonde Quesada, Envoy Extraordinary zalo de Quesada, Enviado Extraand Minister Plenipotentiary of ordinario y Ministro Plenipoteu- Cuba at Washington; ciario de Cuba en Washington;
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