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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 2.djvu/993

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PARCELS-POST CONVENTION—NORWAY. begin on the first day of October, til udforelse den forste October 1904; and shall continue in force 1904 oglskal blive gjwldende, indtil until terminated by mutual agree- den op seves efter gjensidig overment, but may be annulled at the enskomst; dog kan den trsede ud desire of either Department, upon af kraft paa orlangende af en af six months’ previous notice given styrelserne, naar denne giver den to the other. anden varsel 6 maaneder 1 forveien . Done in duplicate, and signed at Udfaer<§get in duplo og under- Washington, the twenty-seventh tegnet i ristiania den fjortende day of ugust one thousand nine September nitten hundrede og ilre, _hundred and four, and in Christi- og i Washington den syv og tyv— ania the fourteenth da of Septem- ende August 1904 ber one thousand nine hundred and four [Seal of the Post-Office Depart HENRY C. PAYNE, ment of the U. S.] Postmaster- General of the United States o_fAmenIea. [Norway seal.] Tm;. HEYERDAHL. Kam. BRYN. The foregoinlg Parcels-Post Convention between the United States of America an Norway has been negotiated and concluded with my advice and consent, an is hereby approved and ratified. In testimony whereof I have caused the seal of the United States to be hereunto afixed. [san.] THEODORE Roosnvnm. By the President: ALVEY A. Aman, Acting Secretary of State. WASHINGTON, August 31, 1.904.