srxrmrn conorucss. sm. 11. cn. 321. 1909. 1093 or otherwise, compels, or attempts to compel, any officer holding ,0% S-- *°°· 6531- P- an election in any State to receive a vote from a person not legally ` qualified to vote, or who imposes, or attempts to impose, any regulations for conducting any general or special e ection in a State different from those prescribed _ y law, or who mterferes in any manner with any officer of an election in the discharge of his duty, shall be punished as provided in section twenty-three. Smog 26. Every person convicte of any offense defined in the four m;,*,ff“‘°¤**‘ P“¤l¤**· preceding) sections shall, H1 addition to the gmishment therein pre- 3. s., sec. sm, p. scribed, e dismuxalified from holding any office of honor, profit, or 1M' trust under the mted States; but nothing therein shall be construed e,§}"f,’g§§m*;,{,§§‘;°”· to prevent any officer, soldier, sa1lor,_or marine from exercising the. ' rig t of suffrageé in any election district to which he may belong, if otherwise qua ed according to the laws of the State in which he offers to vote. V CnArrma Form. OFFENSES AGAINST THE OPERATIONS OF THE GOVERNMENT; ugggggszgifgségg GKDIDGD . 27. Forgery of letters patent. 58. Interrupting surveys. 28. Forging bids, pub ic records, etc. 59. Agreement to prevent bids at sale of 29. Forging deeds, powers of attorney, ands. etc. 60. Injuries to United States telegraph, 30. Having forged papers in possession. etc., lines. ` 31. False acknowledgments. 61. Coimterfeiting weather forecast. 32. Falsely pretending to be United 62. Interfering with employees of Bureau States officer. of Animal Industry. 33. False personation of holder of public 63. Forgery of certificate of entry. stoc . 64. Coneealment or destruction of in- 34. False demand on fraudulent power of voices, etc. attorney. 65. Resistingrevenue officer; rescuing or 35. Making or presenting false claims. destroying seized property, etc. 36. Embezzling arms, stores, etc. 66. Falsely assuming to be a revenue 37. Conspiracy to commit offense against officer. theUnited States; all parties liable 67. Offering presents to revenue officer. for acts of one. 68. Admitting merchandise to entry for 38. Delaying or defrauding captor or lessthan legal duty. claimant, etc., of prize property. 69. Securing entry of merchandise by 39. Bribery of United States officer. false samples, etc. 40. Unlawfully taking or using papers re- 70. False certification by consular officer. lating to claims. 71. Taking seized property from custody 41. Persons interested not to act as agents of revenue officer. of the Government. 72. Forging or altering ship’s papers or 42. Enticing desertions from the military custom-house documents. or naval service. 73. Forging military bounty-land war- 43. Enticing away workmen. rant, etc. 44. In`uries to fortifications, harbor de- 74. Forging, etc., certificate of citizenfenses, etc. . _ _ ship. 45. Unlawfully entering upon military 75. En ving, etc., plate for printing, or reservation, fort, etc. pgiiiito raphing, selling, or bringing , 46. Robbery or larceny of personal prop- into linited States, etc., certificate erty of the United States. of citizenship. 47. Emhezzling, stealing, etc., public 76. False personation, etc., in procuring property. naturalization. 48. Receivers, etc., of stolen public prop- 77. Using false certificate of citizenship, erty. _ or denying citizenship, etc. _ 49. Timber depredations on public lands. 78. Using false certificate, etc., as evi- 50. Timber, etc., depredations on Indian dence of right to vote, etc. _ and other reservations. 79. Falsely claiming citizenship. _ _ 51. Boxing, etc., timber on public lands 80. Taking false oath in naturalization for turpentine, etc.proceedings. 52. Setting fire to timber on public lands. i 81. Provisions applicable to all courts of 53. Failing to extinguish fires. i naturalization. _ _ 54. Fines to be pai into school fund. y 82. Shanghaiing and falsely inducing 55. Trespassing on Bull Run National g person intoxicated to go on vesse Forest, Oregon. 5 prohibited. _ 56. Breaking fence or gate inclosing re- 1 83. Corporations, etc., not to contribute served lands, or driving or permit-money for political elections, etc. ting live stock to enter upon. 84. Hunting birds, or taking their eggs 57. Injuring or removing posts or menu- from breeding grounds. prohibited. ments. .