Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/1212

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INDEX. xxv Cattle-·Continued. Page- Centralia, I ll.-—Continued. Pmappropriation for collecting information of construction, deficiency appropriation for. 483 diseases of .. 254, 1042 a proprialion for ... 947

or quarantine zfiations for neat .. 254, 1042 Certi/gates, f .f b

or co ecti i ormation, etc., concern-pumshm' ent or orgi etc., to o tain ing prolilgucts .. 254 money from thengbvernment ... 1094 ventron of diseases of . 254, 1043 having in possession forged, etc . . . . 1094 CattE1;'ever· Tick, making false, by officials- . ; . . . 1107 appropriation for emergency fund, audi- Certvf/icatcs of Entry, Custmna, eating . · $8 punishment for foging, etc . . 1100 Cattle, Report on Diseases of, mette National emetery, La., printing ordered; distribution; 576 acceptance of landsjor Z .. 1002 Cavalry and gchool of Applé- a propnagrozgpr improving drtron 1002 cation, ort i , am., , . ., approti n for instruction expenses. . .. 106 ap ro "ation for Indian school . . 93, 808 Cavite, I.,0 dedirrdtion if transferred to State, etc 808 appropriation for public works, naval sh- grant of, to South Dakota authorized; contion ,_,. , 141,763 ditions, etc 808 Oayuae Indians, Omg., sale, _ if grant not accepted; condi- Cxlpmpmdop for support, etc., of 492, 807 tions .. 808 Ra, awa, Clunnberoburg, a. appropgiaitiion for public building . éu comstruition of public building 527 r t . , a. limigpfucosf increased, public building 521 deiciencydappgopriation for . x ' , mm, A na OD 0I' ...

 examination of, to be made.. - 825 Chaneylgrinxunbar Water Power Company,

Cedartoum, Ga., license to uso_ water power, etc., Saint

 sg; for public building st, an- .533   to terminate by Janu- 821

on ... . ... , deficiency appropriation for..` .. 487 mm permits pending condemnap 821 1m’·e o andmlaryot mmm .. 102 Chaplain', ```````````````°````````'`````` Celina, Tggvn? c appropriation for House of Representabridge authorised aezrrm Cumberland Rivet tives ... . ... . 188, 850 at ,___ , ,.,.,.. 2 for Senate . . 184, 846 between Bahertown, Ky., and . 57 Charges d’ A faires ad interim, Cement, etc., appropriation for ... 172, 672 appropriation for investigation of struc- de ciency appropriation for nlaries- -- - 942, 945 C $ral of . . . 349, 989 gy ahwcseueuiries as .. 673 manu,t r 0 , uma, . ., · · approprigicfn for, statisticians, etc 239 appropriationtgor boardlof charities.i 302, 718 Ccmmu, F` at, or re orma nes an correctrona 1 r- dgfciguv gp ro riation for- printing names tutious .. 302, 718 ofgooqg ogfgugiliqs ,___, 19 · ior rnledical charities . 304, 720 Census 0 ce, Department 0 Commerce or c i -carin institutions . . . 305, 7 1 gbor, f for temporary homes .. 307, 723 appropriation for Director, statisticians, for indigent insane ... 307, 723 clerks, ctc ,,.. 239 for relre of the poor ... 307, 723 for special agenft:6 etc ... ra .. 239 CM£;·0ttm;r)sponing paupers .. 307, 724 f tts m istration reco s, ·a., or __,,__, ,,.. 239 limit ol cost increased, public building 522 for rent ,... . ... 240 Charleston, S. C., for stztiolpery, contingent expenses, etc. . 2443 appropnagon for equipment plant, navy- 135 f fg gi g ms ,..,... _ ar .. fg priritingufnlde binding 384 for iiblic works, navy-yard .. 140, 763 doiioiouog appropriation for pri nting names for no barracks ... r 145 of ea s o families, First (-ensus 19 for additional land for_manne barracks-- 766 for preliminary expenses Thirteenth Cen- 9 I ChGTl€8¢0H_Q1!·GTG&7lt1ll0 Station, ta tc 961 s s ... 27 approprratron or rmprovemen , e .. statistic: of stocks of baled cotton to be pub- I Charlizston, W. Va., _ _ _ lishida with cotton reports ... 1168 I enlargemelnt of public building at, author- 525 C, ., rze . , . zdlam authorized across Cahaba River at . . . 37 , deficiency appropriation for . 483 Central and Emergency Hospital, I Cmggowagon for ... 947 .· .·r . . 1 · . ·. ·» appropriation for care of rndrgent pa- s appfopnatron for assay office at .. . . . 211, 875 t' ts ... 305 720 Char tw, N. K, for regu, etc. _ ... ’305 preliminary examination of harbor to be °‘""“’ {$‘*Zi'°“r‘i"" ”'*""i‘i·°°£"’Z.‘1"”c0 or cM.M.?;?2lf‘va ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 829 ma rr rssoun we un , ., y Bluzidtoiwo ______,______,___,____, 663 enlargemeelnt of public building at, author- 525 fm t f __,_,,,,,_,_.,._.. rz ... . . . . Cmgriilqzegljn or deficiency appropriation for .. 483 construction authorized of public building Charlottetown, at ____________________,_,,,,,,,,_, 526 classification and salary of consulate .. 102