Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/1360

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 , INDEX. clxxiii

t Sprmgfcld Ri/leg, Obaolde—~Continued. _ ?¤¢¤- Standing Rock Indian Reservation, 8. Dale., Pm- , donated to Saint Bart.holormew’s Battalion, (see also Chefenne River and Stand- ! New York City. 443 mg Rock ndian reservations, S. _ . _Vew!ja¤ Relief Guard, Newburgh, N. Y. 443 Dak. and N. Da.k.). . g SPNRQYQU, crm., _ _ _ deficiency zpipropriation for surveying. . . 30, 517 -, acquiring site for public bnnlding at, nu- tract reserv for cemetery for Indians of. 811 ~` lr1IOH26d .. 1.. : . . ... 536 Stapleton, Staten Icbnd, N. K, g deficiency upproprnmom for . 489 appropriation for marine hospital ..,.. 320

 Square 6Ԥ,_D. C., Star Routes, Postal Service,
 acquisition of, for Potomac Park, author- appropriation formail transportation by. 412,665
 S   .. . . 355 discontinuance when duplicated by
 quarc_ _,_ . .,- ruralservice . . ..,_ 4 664;
 acquisition of, for Potomac Park, author· emergency service in Alaska ... $:666
 lz0d ... 355 deficiency appropriation for mail trans-
 Squaru 226, 227, 228, 229, and 2.90, D. C., portation by. . 24, 31, 510, 518, 930, 943,943
 ° purchase or condemnation of, authorized State Bonds,
 for building, Departments of State, acceptable as security for additional na-
 lustice, an Commerce and Labor.. 545 tional bank circulation  549
 deicrency egypmpriatjon for ,.,... . ,. 491 conditions . _. .. 549

X; Square 626, ., i f State Claims, War with Spo·in,ded

‘ purchase 0 portion or extension 0 tuckstime or presenti , exten .. 42
 ofAnacoetia Street Railway. . ._. ., . . 248 State Courts, D8

Staclrhogue, George M., habeas corpus appeals from decisions by ' delic1ency?pro n for ... *911 United States courts in detentions , ’ Sta] College, ort worth, Kam., ‘ by, restricted . 40 appgpnation for instruction expenses. . 106, 733 certificate required . . . . 40 String , Conn., jurisdiction of, not impaired by su port of entry, Bridgeport collection Code . .. 1151 district 7 State Department Annu, D. C'., immediate transportation privileges ex- appzopriatzion for laborer ... 218,882 Siam Dttended ... 35 to Superintendent o£Stat;e, War, p 'vhion, oa apartment, an avy Department u11d' mg' 218 appropriation for superintendent, clerks, State Home: for Soldiers and Sailors, etc ...,. - . 233 appropriation for continuing aid to . 373, 1012 Stamp Taxes,*venu.e, de ciency appropriation for .. . 15 appropriation for col- inmates to receive pensions direct 419 lected on foreign bi of exchange State Laws, etc. for exrwts . 590 punishment ior depriving citizens of civil Stamped Enu ope: and Newspaper Wrappers, rights on account of race, etc., unappropriatjon for manufacture; distribu- der color of . .. . . 1092 tion ..,,...,, , ,.. 415,668 State, War, and Navy Department Building, deticiency appro ’ tion for distribution- - 24 C'., _ Stamps Division, goat-Ofiuc Dapartment, appropriation for clerks, engineers, watch- ` appropriation for superinten ent, etc., 233,896 men, ctC._ , . . 218, 882 Standard Telephone Company, for service, Mills Building . 218, 882 time exten ed for constructing line on is- for laborer, State Department annex., 218, 882 land of Oahu, Hawaii, by .. 652 for fue1,_repa•ru, etc .. _ _ 218,882 Standardizing Weights and Measures in Trade, iorrepatrs, etc., Ml11B_BUlldlD8 ... 218,882 appropriation for collecting information to deficiency appropriation for printing aid in ..,,.,.,,.. . . 905 _ bllllks .. :. . 921 Standards Bureau, Department of Commerce superintendent to have charge of Mills and Labor, Building and State Department anappropriation for Director, assistantznptc. 241,903 MX --------- -----------..·- 218 ger apparatus, machinery, repairs, etc. . 241, 904 Statement ofglppropnatzmis, {0;- new laboratory _____ . .,,,.,... 242, 904 _ approjmation for preparation of ...,_ , _ , 381, 1019 for contingent expenses ... 242,904 Staten aland and het Bank Light Station, member, International Committee of _ X, _ Weights and Mgggurgg _________,_ 242,904 · approlpriation for completing .. , __, 971 delegates, Intemational Committee of Staten sland, N . Y. Light-House Depot, Ehcmm] Unit; _______________ , , , 242, 904 appropriation for equipping lamp shop, etc.. 330 for care of grounds, eto .. 242,904 States, _ _ _ for investigations of illuminating gas 904 deficiency appropriation for refund to, for information of weights and measures 1 T81H1I1g \’0}\1¤T€€¤ -..--. Z .. . . . ._. 516 used in trade ...,,...,. 905 I bonds of, acceptable as security for additesting machines, Watertown Ansenal r { tional_ national bank circulation; restored to War Department- ------- 90o · e9¤<1¤¤¤¤=; --------------- T, -------- 549 for expenses testing physical constants. . 983 · proportional assignment of additional curdeficienov appropriation for general ex- _ _ _ re¤cy_t9: beers -»--·... 550 penses .,,.,,,. 518militia provisions amended ., 399 for equipment __,,,, , ,,.,,,,_,,,_,_,,,, 943 twenty-five per cent of receipts from Standing Rock A envy N. Dak., National Forests in, to be paid for appropriation gr Inoion went at ·--. 87, 800 . ure of eoboole mi roede -·-»-------- 260