174 SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. C11. 183. 1908. "`“***°“·` For the payment of the cost of tuition of student interpreters at the legation to China at the rate of one hundred and twenty-tive dollars perdanngmfpacglto be immediately available, one thousand two hunre an y dollars· S¤¤<1e¤¤¤¢+¤rv¤¢¤¤r¤ For six student inth reters at the embassy to Japan, who shall be mh'"' citizens of the United States, and whose duty it shall be to study the Japanese language with a view to supplying interpreters to the em- _ bassy and consulates in Japan, at one thousand dollars each, six thou-
,.8;.,.,. sand dollars: Provided, That said student interpreters shall be chosen
- 1- in such manner as will make the selections nonpartisan: And mmded
T°¤¤ °* *°“'*°°- furt}m·, That upon receiving such appointment each student interpreter shall sign an agreement to continue in the service as interpreter to the legation and consulates in Japan so long as his said services may be required within a period of five years; mason. For the payment 0 the cost of tuition of student interpreters at the legation to Ja an, at the- rate of one hundred and twenty-tive dollars per annum eadh, seven hundred and fifty dollars; Total, thirty-three thousand seven hundred dollars. _R¤¤¤·i¤¤¤¤ ¤¤ Mk- But no rson drawing the salary of interpreter as above provided ms' shaill be allfwed any part of the salary appropriated for any secretary of egation or other officer. omcnxs AT THE EMBASSY AT LONDON. Clerks at embassy, L°"d°"‘ For two clerks at the embassy to Great Britain, one at the rate of one thousand eight hundred dollars per annum and one at the rate of one thousand two hundred dollars per annum, three thousand dollars. GONTINGENT EXPENSES, Fonmen Missions. °°"“"¥°“‘ °" To enable the President to rovide at the public e nse all such mis 7 1 gg?` {min stationery, blanks, records, anld other books, seals, prdgies, iiags, and signs as he shall think necessary for the several embassies and legations in the transaction of their business, and also for rent, postage, tele- _ rams, furniture, messenger service, compensation of kavasses, guards, ”‘“*’°"°*‘ "’—'*““‘· dragomans, and porters, including compensation of interpreters, and the compensation of dis atch agents at London, New York, and San Francisco, and for traveling and miscellaneous expenses of embassies and legations, and for printing in the Department of State, and for loss on bills of exchange to and from embassies and legations, three hundred and twenty-tive thousand dollars. TRANSPORTATION or n1i»i,o:uA'rio AND ooNsuLAn orrxomzs IN GOING TO ANI) 1u=:*rUrcN1No. rk0M *rm·:m rosrs. ""*"°“""°"*"’”"°‘· To pay the cost of the transportation of diplomatic and consular officers in going to and returning from their posts, or when traveling under the orders of the Secretary of State, at the rate of live cents per mile, but not including any expense incurred in connection with leaves of absence, to continue available during the iiscal year nineteen bundred and nine, thirty thousand dollars. STEAM LAUNCH ron LEGATION AT CONSTANTINOPLE. k;}f"*’" "‘“"°*‘*T“" Hiring of steam launch for use of the embassy at Constantinople, one thousand eight hundred dollars. oRoUN1> RENT or rxmmlssr AT Toxro, JAPAN. ggelga mm Annual ground rent of the embassy at Tokyo, Japan, for the year ending March fifteenth, nineteen hundred and nine, two hundred and fifty dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary.