176 SIXTIETH CONGRESS. SEss. I. C11. 183. 1908. HTEBNAHONAL BUREAU ron PUBLICATION or ccsroms nmrrs.
- ¤¤¤'f•*i¤B°'°*°· To meet the share of the United States in the annual expense for
v¤1.zs,p.us1a the year ending March thirty-first, nineteen hundred and nine, of sustaining the international bureau at Brussels for the translation and publication of customs traiifs, one thousand five hundred dollars;_ this appropriation to be available on April first, nineteen hundred and eight, pursuant to convention proclaimed December seventeenth, eighteen undred and ninety. INTERNATIONAL (WATER) BOUNDARY commission, UNITED sTATEs AND mixroo. A ,,,'§;§,§‘§,:,‘§f§¥ To enable the commission to continue its work under the treaties of ¤i<{,¤6L 24 mr V0, eighteen hundred and eighty-four and eighteen hundred and eighty- at, p. imap' ’nine, twenty-tive thousand dollars. EmmNAT1oN or nntcos IN Tm-: mo GRANDE. i mm,] °,”“‘m¤’-ll To meet the share of the United States in the expense of carrying qcnin. dm out the provisions of the convention of March twentieth, nineteen P""' P' 1m' hundred and tive, between the United States and Mexico, for the elimi- · nation of the bancos in the Rio Grande, to be immediately available, twenty-five thousand dollars. INTERNATIONAL BUREAU AT mmssms Fon nEraEss1oN or THE AFRICAN SLAVE TRADE. ¤¤iii°$i°si•$°i'1i{°LKZ?* To meet the share of the United States in the expenses of the special V0'- *`*· P· °1"· bureau created by article eighty-two of the general act conclu ed at Brussels July second, eighteen undred and ninety, for the repression of the African slave trade and the restriction of the importation into and sale in a certain defined zone of the African Continent of firearms, ammunition, and spirituous liquors, for the year nineteen hundred and nine, one hundred dollars. ·m·1·EaNA·r1oNA1. rms0N commission. P,§,',§,f{·f,,§‘,,'},f,L,‘{,2_‘* For subscription of the United States as an adhering member of the International rison Commission, and the expenses of a commissioner, including preparation of reports, two thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. · INTERNATIONAL cnoonrrc ASSOCIATION ron Tm: MEASUREMENT or Tum EARTH. d€{§Q*j";?,';,’({;'{§§§n_““* To enable the Government of the United States to pay, through the American embassy at Berlin, its quota as an adhering member of the International Geodetic Association for the Measurement of the Earth, one thousand five hundred dollars. V mzrarxs TO 1.1·:cA·r1oy AND <·o1<sULAn rnrzmrsss. ,m¤$~_%::1{gt;;v·¤M¤ To enable the Secretary of State to keep in repair the legaticn and 4consular premises owned by the Government of the United States and occupied by its agents, seven thousand dollars. REPAIRS TO r.EcArro1< r>nEmsEs AT coxsrAxTrNoi·r.E. gérkey. m of I To enable the ambassador to Turkey to make, under the direction pm}:'"' " °` of the Secretary of State, all needed repaim to and improvements in