738 _ SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 252. 1909. For additional pay to such officers for length of service, to be paid with their current monthly pay, twenty-four thousand seven undred and forty dollars. rmum mum Bu- BUREAU or INSULAR Amuxms: For pay of officers of the Bureau of ""‘· Insular Affairs, nine thousand dollars. _ For additional pay to such officers for length of service, to be pard with their current monthly pay, nine hundred dollars. nnrmrzn orrrcmzs. _ . Retired emem. For pay of officers on the retired list and for officers who may be placed thereon during the current ear, two million seven hundred and forty-seven thousand six himdied and fifty dollars and sixty- three cents. nmgevay. For additional pay to such officers for length of service, to be paid with their crurent monthlyipay, four hundre and thirty-one thousand two hundred and fifty dollars. On umn mum. For pay of retired officers on active service, one hundred and fifty thousand eight hundred dollars. · ¤·¤¤8¤***Y· For additional pay to such officers for length of service, to be paid with their current monthly pay, fifty-four thousand one hundred and twenty dollars. €£{g¤·m com cs Provided, That the Act approved November third, eighteen hundred em. gand ninety-three, authorizing the detail of officers o the army and · v°l· ”·l’·"·°‘“°"d°"‘ navy to educational institutions, be amended so as to provide that run pay and allow- retired officers, when so detailed, shall receive the full pay and allow-
- “$§§j @3*3 m_ ances of their rank, except that the limitations on the pay of officers
V¤¤·=M·1>-24¤- of the Army above the grade of major as provided in the Acts of March second, nineteen hundred and five, and June twelfth, nineteen hundred and six, shall remain in force. · nnrrnnn nurrsrnn rum. mgletiree <=¤¤i¤¢¤¤ For pay of the enlisted men of the army on the retired list, two ` million dollars. Miscellaneous. MISCELLANEOUS. “"“*’“*" "‘*"'°““· For pay of seventy-five hospital matrons, nine thousand dollars. ,,§;;g’gj§,;_*°““°"‘ For pay of one Superintendent Nurse·(‘orps, one thousand eight hundred dollars. N¤¤·<>¤· For pay of one hundred nurses (female), fifty-five thousand and twenty dollars. V¤¢¤ri¤¤¤ri¤¤¤- For pay of forty-two veterinarians, at one thousand seven hundred dollars each, seventy-one thousand four hundred dollars. Lonzevirr- For additional pay to such veterinarians, for length of service, to be paid with their current monthly pay, ten thousand eight hundred and eigBhty dollars. nemrsurgeons. or pay of thirty-one dental srugeons, fifty-seven thousand nine hundred and sixty ollars. ‘ cmzmemugmns. For pay of contract surgeons, thirty-six thousand dollars. Paymasters (-mrs. For pay of ninety paymasters’ clerks, one hundred and forty-two thousand dollars. rresmgm. For pay of paymasters’ messengers, eighteen thousand dollars. Traveling expenses. For traveling expenses of paymasters’ clerks and expert accormtant of the Inspector—General’s Department, eighteen thousand five hundred dollars. com-am¤m1.ew. For expenses of courts-martial, courts of inquiry, military commissions, and compensation of reporters and witnesses attending the same, thirty thousand dollars.