SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 252. 1909. 741 vineglar, ilour, and towels; authorized issues of toilet articles, barbers’, Iaun ry, and ta1lors’ materials, for use of military convicts confined at military hposts without pgy or allowances, and applicants for enlistment {wl _ egielgd unpdisr o eryationégorifissuf of észletlkits to recruits u on eir rs e isment: r, there rt eSecreta 0 Prvwpv. Vgar may authorize the templorary appointment of such number`? of .,£°°““"" °°’°°’ sergeants and corporals in the companies at the general recruitin lllspots as may be brgecessary for the prippsr contrpl and instruction 0T e varying num r o recruits attac e to suc companies; ice for issue to organizations of enlisted men at such places as the Secretary of War may determine; for sales to officers and enlisted men of the army·_ coffee masters and cooking apparatus in the field, and when traveling (except on transports), bake ovens and apparatus perta` ` merge; slcsles, weightsku measures, utensils, tools, stationery, blang o an orms office rniture commissary chests and outiits, and field desks of commjssaries: Protvided That the sum of twelve thou- National rmemnwh sand dcglarsssfauthorized to be expended to defrav the cost of furnishing oo , an or providing ext uty pay for cooks assistant cooks and waiters, and for peris able table equipment in snibsisting enlisted men of the Regular Army and the organized militia who may be competitors in the national riile match: And provided further, That no Bsnricuon. competitor who is thus subsisted shall be entitled to commutation of · rations, and no greater expense shall incurred than one dollar and fifty cents per man per day for the period the contest is m prpjgress. hmmm For pamsnm: Of commutation of rations to the cadets at the mted °°”“““*"’*°“· States'tary Academy in lieu of the regular established ration at the rate of thirty cents per ration; of the regulation allowances of commutation in lieu of rations to enlisted men on furlough, enlisted men and male andéemale nurslss when sssatiopedl at places where Eationls (sind can not economic issue an w en traveon etac e uty where it is impracticame to calrry rations of anlylldnd, enlisted men selected to contest for places or prizes in department and army rifle competitions while traveling to and from places of contest, ma e and female nurses on leaves o absence, app icants for enlistment and military convicts while traveling under orders; of commutation of rations) in lisa: of sbp rsgililar itablishisd ratisn fxzlrfmemllbermpf the Nurse orps ema e w e on ut in ospita , an or e iste men applicants for enlistment while held under observation, and military convicts sick therem, at the rate of thirtfy cents pier ration (except that at the Generlsl Hospétal atlFor({. Bayar , New d slxico, fglgty cepgs pes ration is authorize or en iste patients in said ospita to pai to the surgeon in charge; of compensation of civilians employed in the d$m::¤¤¤¤¤¤ ¤¢ Subsistence Delpartment; of extra pay to enlisted men employed on am. tay, uname _extr(s duty in the Sirgbsiislterace Departmerg, for periods of not lg ghag “‘°"*°‘°· ten ays at rates e aw; o extra- uty pay at rates to e b the Secretary of War fhr mess stewards and cooks at recruit depots who are to be graduates at the schools for bakers and cooks, and instructor cooks at the schools for bakers and cooks; for printing, advertising, commercial newspapers, and use of telephones; for temporary buil ings, cellars, and other means of protecting subsistence supplies (when not provided b the Quartermastefs epartment); fg prslviding grizlss to be esfablishpd byf the Sgcretary ofhWar for P¤¤¤¤f¤rb¤k¤¤·¤¤¤- e iste men 0 the army w o gra uate rom the army sc oos or bakers and cooks, the total amount of such prizes at the various schools not to exceed nine hundred dollars per annum; for other necessary ` expenses incident to the purchase, testmg, care, preservation, issue, sale , _ and accounting iéor splbsgtencef mppheis fo; theé sriisyfilgnr aigligicg- P}:;_“{,‘}”,,,Eg'g 1,;,;; 1I1&I'y CXPGDSBO SU IS 11000 ES OID. C8. 8 S 8 ca ea. inaugural ceremony, to be immediately available, and to be expended from this appropriation, one thousan five hundred and eighty-seven