744 SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 252. 1909. for horses and mules, picket ropes, blacksmith’s tool and materials, horseshoes and blacksmith’s tools for the cavalry service,_ and for the shoeing of horses and mules, and such additional expenditures as_ are necessary and authorized by law in the movements and operations of the army, and at military posts, and not expressly assigned to any A*¤°¤¤*· other department, two million two hundred an fifty thousand dollars. nom, em. Honsms Fon oavamr, ABTILLERY, Arm ENGINEEBS1 For the purchase of horses for officers entitled to public mormts, for the cavalry, artillery, and engineers, service school and staff colleges, and for the Indian scouts, and for such infantry and members of the Hospital Corps in field campaigns as may be required to be mounted, and the expenses incident thereto, five hundred and ten thousand dollars:
Provided, That the number of horses purchased under this appropriation, added to the number now on and, shall be l1m1ted to the
actual needs of the mounted service, including reasonable provisions for remounts, and, unless otherwise ordered by the Secretary of War, no part of this appro riation shall be dpaid out for horses not purchased by contract agar competition uly invited by the Quartermaster’s Department and an inspection under the direction and authority of the Secretary of War. When practicable, horses shall be purchased in the open market at all military posts or stations, when needed, at a maximum rice to be fixed by the Secretary of War: messing. Provided, That no art oflthis appropriation shall be used for breeding nemreueu. purposes: Provided further, That no part of this appropriation shall be expended for the purchase of any horses below the standard set by army regulations for cavalry and artillery horses. mB¤¤·¤=k¤ sud qw— Bmaaoxs Aim qoiuzrmus: For barracks and quarters for troops, ”‘ other than seaeoast artillery, storehouses for the safekee ing of military stores, for offices, recruiting stations, to provide such furni— ture for the public rooms of officers messes and officers’ quarters at military posts as may be approved by the Secretary of War; for the hire of buildings and grounds for summer cantonments, and for temporaq buildings at frontier stations, for the construction of tem orary uildmgs and stables, and for repairin public buildings at estadlished posts, includin the extra—duty pay of enlisted men employed on the p,,,,i,,,,_ same: Provided That no part o the moneys so appropriated shall be m§j}f°'::¤°*°“ ’°‘ paid for commutation of fuel or for quarters to officers or enlisted ci il, I men: Provided further, That the number of and total sum paid for '_ ““ °"" °"°°" civilian employees in the Quartermastefs Department, includin those paid from the funds appropriated for regular supplies, incidental expenses, barracks and quarters, army transportation, clothing, camp and glarrison equipzge, shall be limited to the actual requirements of the service, an that no employee paid therefrom shall receive a salary of more than one hundred and fifty dollars per ` month, except upon the approval of the Secretary of War, three I Amy wu cenege. million five hundred thousand dollars: Provided, That no part of the sum herein appropriated shall be used for the construction of oflit-ers’ MS,*},1£f¥,,$L’_" D" nprarters at the Army War College: Provvled further, That 1-mem thousand dollars of this sum may be used for the construction of a _ chapel on the military reservation at Fort Des Moines, Iowa: And ,.m°{_{f*};Pgff§m,*;Q_' ‘ provided further, That one thousand seven hundred dollars of the foregoing total amount may be expended for the completion of stable at the engineer post, Wgton Barracks, District of Columbia. P°¤¤=·¤¤¤=¤¤H¢¤·¢¤¤· DIILITARY POST EXCHANGE: For continuing the construction, equipment, and maintenance of suitable buildings at military posts and stations for the conduct of the ost exchange, school, libra , reading, lunch, amusement rooms, and) gymnasium, to be expenldiad in the _ discretion and under the direction of the Secretary of War, two mflqhm mmm hundred and fifteen thousand five hundred dollars: Provided, That or ecmmeuen, ew. not more than forty thousand dollars of the above appropriation shall be expended at any one post or station.