SIXTIETH CONGRESS; Sess. II. Crrs. 252. 253. 1909. 751 tion or appropriations for the purpose, he is authorized to make pacyment m the total available balance to his official credit, provr ed sufficient funds under the roper appropriation or appropriations have been allotted by the Chief of Ordnance for the expenditure._ When such disbursements are made the accounts of the dis- Acccums. bursing officer shall show the charging of the pro er appropriations, the ba ances under which will be a justed by the disbursing officer on receipt of funds or by the accountin officers of the Treasury. . Hereafter officers serving by detaIl in the Ordnance Department, Onfifggg °* d°°¤“°° under the Acts of February second, nineteen hundred and one, and` VoI.91,p.754. June twenty-fifth, nineteen hundred and six, shall take rank in their v°1‘3"**"‘55‘ respective grades from the dates of their rank under their original detail in said grades. _ Articles of ordnance moperty ma be sold by the Chief of Ord- smc or cmmucc nance to officers of the avy and Mhrine Corps, for their use in the °r°°°"y’ °t°‘ public service, in the same manner as these articles are now sold to officers of the army. ' The Secretary of War is hereby authorized and directed to acquire Salisbury marcus title to the United States, by gift or donation, and not otherwise, °$§°.,§°.§’{.’§y_ of a strip of land lying on the southwest side of the roadway now under construction to the Salisbury National Cemetery, for sidewalk purposes. And the sum of one thousand six hundreddollars, Immediate, Wm_ to be immediately available, is hereby appropriated for the com- cme. Y pletion of said roadway and sidewalks. . The Secretary of War is hereby authorized to convey to the owners rmnurpu mumof premises which encroach upon the milit reservation of Fort "§,,‘§°f§Q’,§‘,§‘,§L“;,}"l" Marion in the city of Saint Augustine, Florida, all the right, title, "°¤ °*»¤¤“*°¤'*¤°*r¤- and interest of the United States in and to the portions of the reservation which have been occupied by them, under lioense or claim of title, upon the pa ent by said owners of such sums of money as the Secretary of Wu shall determine proper to be paid for the said lands. _ _ For the acquiring of water rights and necessary lands therewith H,f§,{;0‘f,“§}§,’,$,TI““’Y connected for a permanent water supply for Fort William Henry “'¤reri¤sh¤¤.¤¢c- Harrison, in Montana, the amount of twenty thousand dollars appropriated therefor by the Act aplproved May eleventh, nineteen hundred and eight, entitled "An ct making appropriation for the support of the army for the fiscal year ending une thirtieth, nineteen hundred and nine," is hereb reappropriated and made tY}~>¤r·r·r¤¤r·ri¤¤l·>¤· available, and forty thousand dollars adyditional, or so much thereof ° j.{,.,._ ,._m_ as may be necessary for said purposes, including the acquiring of water rights and lands for intakes and right of way for pipe 'nos from sucth intakes to said fort, is hereby appropriated, to be expended from the amount-appropriated in this Act for water and sewers at military posts; and the Secretary of War is hereby authorized to acquire such rights and lands y purchase or by condemnation proceedings. Approved, March 3, 1909. - CHAP. 253.—r\11 AM For the removal of the restrictions on alienation of lands of ¥;"°1Q¥é.}23· allottees of the Quapaw Agency, Oklahoma, and the sale of all tribal lands, school, agency, or other buildings on any of the reservations within the ]ur1sd1ction of such [Public, No. 306.] agency, and for other purposes. Be it enacted b· the Senate and H0/use 0 Re esenmtires of the United _ . States of Avneridd in Congress assembled, Tiigt the Secretary of the agiiygibkrdnéllu Interior be, and he is hereby authorized, upon application of any “g¥§°'}§f,i,‘2,'f.e,{°$}Y,‘,`{{ adult member of either of the tribes of Indians belonging to the l··¤d¤<>*I¤d*¤¤*<‘*· Quapaw Indian Agency in the State of Oklahoma, to remove the restrictions on any part of or all of the lands allotted to such applicant.