SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 255. 1909. 755 paid from lump appropriations and shall be hxed by the Secretary of the Navy on a per annum or per diem basis as he may elect; that the number may be increased or decreased at his option and shall be distributed at the various navy- ards and naval stations by the Secretary of the Navy to meet the needs of the naval service, and'that such per tems for pei diem diem employees may hereafter, in the discretion of the Secretary of the °‘"l’l°’°°“‘ Navy, be granted leave of absence not to exceed fifteen days in any one year, which leave may, in exceptional and meritorious cases, where such an em loyee is ill, be extended, in the discretion of the Secretary of the Navy, not to exceed fifteen days additional in an one year; that the total amount expended annually for pay for such Restriction. clerical, drafting, inspection, and messenger force shall not exceed the amounts specifically allowed by Congress under the several lump . alppropriations, and that the Secretary of the Navy shall each year, in t e annual estimates, report to Congress the number of persons so employed, their duties, and the amount paid to each: Provided Schedule of mes of further, That it shall be —the duty of the Secretary of the Navy to sub- {’§{;,,°,§’g,i’,,°g,,$'"b”'i"”° mit to Congress at its next session, and for its consideration, a schedule of rates of compensation, annual or per diem, that should, in his judgment, be permanently fixed by law for clerical, inspection, and messenger service in navy-yards, naval stations, and purchasing pay offices, superintending construction offices, and inspection of engineering material; and in fixing such rates of compensation he shall have Servlceincludcd. due regard for the rates usually paid for like services in the respective localities b employers other than the United States, and he shall not recommend, any rate exceeding that being paid by the United States at any such tyards, stations, or offices prior to January first, nineteen _ hundred an nine: Promdedjurther, hat persons employed in the S,jQ’:*,,f,‘j,'f°‘°' '°“" clerical, drafting, and inspection force at navy—yards and stations discharged for lack of work or insufficiency of funds shall for one year · thereafter be preferred for employment in such navy-yards and stations in the clerical, drafting, inspection, and messenger forces; _ _ that section fifteen hundred and forty-five, Revised Statutes, and so m§é§;;;{°·*°*°·P·2“· much of section fifteen hundred and fifty-six of the Revised Statutes R.s5¢;»c.1ss6.p.2sv, as relates to pay of clerks to commandants of navy-yards and naval “'"°“ stations, are hereby repealed; in all, eight hundred and sixty-eight thousand five hundred and fiftv dollars. _ CONTINGENT, NAVY: For all emergencies and extraordinary ex- ¤<>¤¤¤·¤¢¤¤· penses, exclusive of personal services in the Navy Department, or any of its subordinate bureaus or offices_at Washington, District of Columbia, arising at home or abroad, but impossible to be anticipated or classified, to be expended on the approval and authority of the Secretary of the Navy, and for such purposes as he may deem proper, forty-six thousand and €lglllJ}'—S1X dollars: Provided, That the account- gig;;?:; mp,0)_m_ ing officers of the Treasury are hereby authorized and directed to allow, in the settlement of accounts ·0f'(llSl)llI‘Sl1lg officers mvolyed, payments made under the approlpriation "Contingent, navy, to civilian employees appointed y t ie Navy Deplartment for duty m and serving at naval stations maintained in the island possessions during the fiscal year nineteen hundred and ten. BUREAU or xrivroiarrox. ugxarenu of N¤riz¤ ' Transportation: For travel allowance of enlisted men discharged T’““’*`°"“"°”‘ on account of expiration of enlistment; transportation of enlisted men and apprentice seamen at home and abroad, with subsistence and transfers en route, or cash in lieu thereof; transportation to their homes, if residents of the United States, of enliste men and apprentice seamen discharged on medical survey, with subsistence and transfers en route. or cash in lieu thereof, transportation of sick or