776 SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 255. 1909. Francisco, California; Bremerton, Washington; Sitka, Alaska, and Isthmus of Panama ; fortherenting, leasing, impfovement, anderection of buildings in Porto Rico, the Territory of awaii, the Phrhplpine Islands, at Guam, the District of Columbia, and at such other p aces as the publicencies require; and for per diem to enlisted men employed under the direction of the Quartermaster’s Department on . the repair of barracks, quarters, andthe other public buildmgs, one · hundred thousand dollars. F°¤€°· FOBAGE, MARINE Cours: For forage in kind for horses of the Quartermaster’s De artment, and the authorized number of officers’ horses, and for stabiing of public horses, nineteen thousand two hundred dollars. · qu‘;$,’,;*mmg*,,§gj},°,$,$,f COMMUTATION or qUAa:ra1zs, Mmmm Cours: For commutation more-of quarters for officers serving with troops where there are no public quarters belonging to the Government, and where there are not sufficient quarters possessed by the United States to accommodate them; for commutation of uarters for enlisted men employed as clerks and messengers in the offices of the commandant, adjutant and inspector, paymaster and quartermaster, and the offices of the assistant adjutant and inspectors, the assistant paymasters, and the assistant quartermasters, at twenty-one dollars each per month, and for enlisted men employed as messengers in said offices, at ten dollars each per month, sixty-eight thousand dollars. °<>¤**¤8°¤*· CONTINGENT, MARINE Conrsz For freight, tolls, cartage, advertising, washing of bed sacks, mattress covers, pillowcases, towels, and sheets, funeral expenses of officers and marines, including the transportation of bodies and their arms and wearing apparel from . the p ace of demise to-the homes of the deceased in the United States, stationery and other pxaper, printing and binding, telegraphing, rent of telephones, purc ase and repair of typewriters, apprehension of stragglers and deserters, er diem of enlisted men employed on constant labor for a period of) not less than ten days, employment of civilian labor, repair of gas and water fixtures, office and barracks furniture, camp and garrison equi age and implements, mess utensils for enlisted men, such as bowls, pilates, s oons, knives and forks, tin cups, pans, pots, and so forth; packing lboxes, wrappi paper, oilcloth, crash, rope, twine, quarantine ees, camphor aiid carbolized paper, carpenters tools, too s for police purposes, iron safes, purchase and repair of public wagons, motor wagons, carts, and drays, purchase and repair of public harness, purchase of public horses, services of veterinarv surgeons, and medicines for pulblic horses; purchase and repair of hose, urchase and repair of fire extinguishers, urchase of fire hand grenades; purchase and repair of carts, wheelliarrows, and lawn mowers; purchase and repair of cooking stoves, ranges, stoves, and furnaces where there are no grates; purchase of ice, towels, soap, combs, and brushes for offices; postage stamps for foreign postage; purchase of books, newspapers, and periodicals; improving parade grounds; repair of pumps and wharves; laying drain, water, and gas pipes; .water, introducing gas, and for gas, gas oil, and introduction and maintenance of electric lights; straw for bedding, mattresses, mattress covers, pillows, sheets; wire bunk bottoms for enlisted men at various posts; furniture for government quarters and repair of same, packi and crating officers' allowance of baggage on change of station; and for all emergencies and extraordinary expenses arising at home and abroad, but impossible to anticiggggghon on W pate or c assify, three hundred and seventy thousand dollars; Pmmeuty pay.mkled, That hereafter extra-duty pay will not be allowed to enlisted men of the Marine Corps except when they are regularly detailed thereon by a written order of the commandant of the corps.
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