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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 2.djvu/1001

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rnocninxrioxs, 1901. 2141 IN TESTIMONY IVHEREOF, I l1ave hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be ailixed. Done at the City of lVashington this first day of June, A. D. one thousand nine hundred and seven, and of the Independ- [s1=;A1..] Ence of the United States the one hundred and thirty- rst. - Tunonom: Roosnvnrrr By the President: ` Emuo Room Secretary of State. BY rua Pnmsinnxr or run Uxrmn S·r.>.·rns or Asuznrcx June 1, 100:. A PROCLAMATION WVHEREAS, it appears that the public good would be promoted N Qryorl higvzgtnlxjs by excluding certain lands from Sie Pryor Mountains National Mlaiiam is ’ Forest in the State of Montana, established by proclamation issued $‘§f‘@§’f°,,_ 3258_ November sixth, nineteen hundred and six; Now, therefore, I, Theodore Roosevelt, President of the United Boundaries modi- States of America, by virtue 'of the power in me vested by the Act °°‘{¢,,,_ 301 p_ 36_ of Congress, approved June fourth, eighteen hundred and ninety- seven, entitled, "An Act Makin a propriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the fipscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, and for other urposes” do proclaim that the boundaries of the aforesaid Pryor Lfountains National Forest are hereby changed to exclude therefrom the said lands, and phat tpe boundaries are now as shown on the diagram forming a part ereo ; Excepting from the force and effect of this proclamation all lands Lands excepted. which are at this date embraced in any legal entry or covered by any lawful filing or selection duly of record in the proper United States Land Office, or upon which any valid settlement has been made pursuant to law, if the statutory period within which to make entry or filing of record has not ex ired; and also excepting all lands which at this date are embraced within any withdrawal or reservation for any use or purpose with which this reservation for forest uses is inconsistent: Provided, that these exceptions shall not continue to apply to any particular tract of land unless the entryman, settler, or claimant continues to comply with the law under which the entry, filing, or settlement. was made, or unless the reservation or withdrawal with which this reservation is inconsistent continues in force; not excepting from the force and effect of this proclama— com made. tion. however, any part of the National Forest hereby established which may have been withdrawn to protect the coal therein, but this proclamation does not vacate any such coal land withdrawal: and provided that these exceptions shall not apply to any land embraced in any selection, entry. or filing, which may have been permitted to remain of record subject to the creation of a permanent reservation. The lands hereby excluded from the Pryor Mountains National Lands msdn-eii Forest which are not embraced in any other withdrawal, reservation, t" °“bu° d°m”l“‘ or appropriation, shall be restored to the public domain and become subject to settlement under the general rovisions of the homestead laws on such date and after such notice by ublication as the Secretary of the Interior may prescribe, but shall not become subject to ‘ entry. tiling, selection, or other form of appropriation until the expiration of thirty days from the date so fixed. and no person will be permitted to gain or. exercise any right whatever under any set-