PROCLAMATIONS, 1907. 2149 VVarning is hereby given to all persons not to make settlement upon m§{j;:;;°f " ” ° m any lof tléeliandls rgseerved by proclamation., unlessdand until they are iste y the cretary 0 vricu ture an opene to homestead settlement or entry by the Secretary of the Interior under the Act of Cgngrpss, alpproved game eleilienth, nineteenxhundred and six, entitled, V - n r ct 0 provide or the entry of vricultural lands within `°*· 3% P- 233- forest reserves:" Provided, That lands heretofore restored to settle- Lands excepted. ment or entry under the provisions of the foregoing act shall be ` exgehptzdl gig force aptdg gipctlofl this proclamatiop. h d d WHE ave ereun 0 se my an an caused the seal of the United States to be ailixed. Done at tlée City Ip; Elashinlgton tlgs 20th daydof July, in the yea5· 0 our r one thousand nine hun red and seven an [SEAL.] of thehlndependeéice of the United States the one hundred and t irty-secon . THEODORE Roosmvmrr By the President :· ALVEY A. Aman Acting Secretmjq of State. BY run Pansinmwr or rim Uurmo Sraras or Ammuoa July zz, 1007. _ A PROCLAMATION I WHEREAS, the public lands in the Territory of Alaska, which F°$£:¤§rN::1¤¤¤l are hereinafter indicated, are in part covered with timber, and it Peeimndi ' appears th? the gulblic good wou d be promoted by utilizing said 22;;*}*- vv- 2153. lands as a i ationa orest· Now, therefore, I, Theodorefltoosevelt, President ofd the United A,;*¥:¢>¤¤¤ f°*¢¤¤» States of America by virtue 0 the power in me vest by section V0l.`26, p. 1103. twenty-four of the, Act of Congress, approved March third, eighteen hundred and ninety-one entitled “An act to repeal timber-cu ture laws, and for other purposes," do proclaim that there are hereby reserved from settlement, entry, or sale, and set apart as a public reservation, for the use and benefit of the people, all the tracts of land, in the Territory of Alaska, shown as the Chugach National Forest on the diagram forming a part hereof._and further described as follows: All of the public land lying within a line beginning at Description. the southern extremity of Cape Puget, Alaska, on the east coast of Kenai Peninsular; thence in a general northerly direction, following the coast line, to the western extremity of Portage Bay; thence northwesterly to the divide between Turnagam Arm and Portage Bay; thence in a general northerly direction along the divide between Knik Arm and Port \Velles and in a general easterly direction along the main divide of the Chugach Mountains, continuing thence to a point on left bank of Co per River opposite the northern extremity of Cottonwood Island): thence southerly, clown left bank of said Copper _River, to its southern extremity; thence in a southwesterly direction to the southern extremity of Cape Clear? (Silence) in a nlorthwyestergv bdirection to tihe sguthern extremity o ape uget. the p ace o eginning an em racing all islands within said described line; 7 Excepting from the force and effect of thisxproclamation the sev- ¥·¤¤¤¤ <¤¤¤¤¢¤<1- eral areas contained within boundaries form by circles described with a radius of a mile. each. from the centers of the following named towns and settlements. to wrt_: Eyak. Orca, Tahtetlahk, Ellamar. Valdez, Fort Liscum, Eimklik, Chenaga, Nutchek and Latouche:
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