PROCLAMATIONS, 1907. 2163 Excepting from the force and eifect of this proclamation all lands mm °‘°°¤’*°d· which are at this date embraced in any legal entry or covered b any lawful Bling or selection duly of record in the proper United States Land Office, or upon which any valid settlement has been made pursuant to law, if the statutory period within which to make ent or Bling of record has not expired; and also excepting all lands which at this date are embraced within any withdrawal or reservation for any use or purpose with which this reservation for forest uses is inconsistent: Provided, that these exceptions shall not continue to _ alpply to any particular tract of land unless the entryman, settler, or c aimant continues to comply with the law under which the entry, Bling, or settlement was made, or unless the reservation or withdrawal with which this reservation is inconsistent continues in force; not Coal lands. excepting from the force and eHect of this proclamation, however, any part of the National Forest hereby enlarged which may have been withdrawn to protect the coal therein, but this proclamation does not vacate any such coal land withdrawal; and provided that these exceptions shall not apply to any land embraced in any selection, entry, or Bling, which may have been permitted to remain of record subject to the creation of a permanent reservation. _ lVarning is hereb given to all persons not to make settlement Reserved ri-om upon any of the land; reserved by this proclamation, unless and until °°m°"‘°“t‘ they are listed by the Secretary of Agriculture and opened to homestead settlement or entry by the Secretary of the Interior under the Act of Congress, approved June eleventh, nineteen hundred and six, vm. B4, p. zss. entitled, "An Act To provide for the ent of Agricultural lands ` within forest reserves: Provided, that lands heretofore restored to Lands excepzea. settlement or entry under the rovisions of the foregoing act shall be excepted from the force and egect of this proclamation. IN WVITNESS WHEREOF, I have herenmto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be atlixed. Done at the City of lVashington this 26th day of November, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and seven, [sur.,] and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and thirty-second. Tueonoxm ROOSEVELT' By the President: Emnr Roor Sccrefar·_y of Stain. Br rim Pxesinrzxr or rm; llNITED Srxms or Ammuca. r>m·m•..-¤- minor; A PROCLAMATION. NVHEREAS the Government of His Britannic Majesty has entered _Reciproclty with into a Commercial Agreement with the United States providing for °"$’f,j_I§f';,*f‘a03_ the a plication of the minimum rate under the third section of the Tariii) Act of the United States approved July 24, 1897, to works of art, being the product of the industry of the United Kingdom, in return for the free admission of samples of dutiable goods brought into the territory of the United Kingdom by commercial travelers of the [Tnited States, by which A eement, in the judgment of the President, reciprocal and equivaldnt concessions are secured in favor of products of the United States; Therefore, be it known that I. Theodore Roosevelt, President of Ream-mg dunes the United States of America, acting under the authority conferred §'Q,,,{’}§’,‘},‘j,f,{_‘ °i