2174 rnocnAMAr1oNs, mos. they are listed by the Secretary of Agriculture and opened to homestead settlement or entry by the Secretary of the Interior under the Act of Congress, approved June eleventh, nineteen hundred and six, vol. 34. p- 233- entitled, "An Act To provide for the entry of Agricultural lands within forest reserves :" Provided, that lands heretofore restored I·¤¤¤¤ °*°¤P*°<*· to settlement or entry under the provisions of the foregoing act shall be excepted from the force and effect of this proclamation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be aiiixed. Done at the City of Washington this 9th day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and eight, [sun.] and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and thirty-second. Trmononn Roosnvnur By the President: Enum Roor Secretary of State. ~Y¤¤¤¤¥ 9· 1908-4 BY run: Pimsmnxr or ·rm·: UNrrn¤ SrrA·rms or Ammuca ‘ A PROCLAMATION. ,,§{,“,}§ YQQQZLQK WHEREAS, William Kent and' his wife, Elizabeth Thatcher Cgmmble Kent, of the City of Chicago, in Conmty of Cook in the State of Vol.34, pi 225. Illinois, did, on December 26, 1907, pursuant to the Act of Congress entitled, "An Act for the preservation of American Antiquities," approved June 8, 1906, by their certain deed of relinquishment and · conveyance, properly executed in writing and acknowledged, relinquish, remise, convey and forever quitclaim to the United States of America the following mentioned lands at that time held b them in private ownership and lyin and being in Township One North, of Range Six `West, Mt. D1abl€> Meridian, in the Count of Marin, in the State of California, and bounded and particularly described as _ -foll0ws, to—wit: D°“°'“’"°“‘ Beginning at a stake "A.7” driven in the center of the road in Redwood Canon and located by the following courses and distances from the point of commencement of the tract of land, which was conveyed by the Tamalpais Land and \Vater Company to William Kent by a deed dated August 29th, 1905, and recorded in the office of the County Recorder of Marin County, California, Book 95 of Deeds at page 58, to-wit :——North eighteen degrees thirty-two minutes East two hundred thirty-two and sixty-four hundredths feet, North sixty-six degrees thirty minutes West one hundred sixty-seven and thirty-four hundredths feet, North eighty-six degrees twenty-five minutes lVest ninety-eight and sixty-two hundredths feet, North seventy degrees no minutes, West two hundred forty-one and seven hundredths feet, North fifty-seven degrees twenty-nine minutes 'West one hundred seventy-eight and three hundredths feet; North forty-six degrees twenty-two minutes West two hundred thirty-tive and thirty- nine hundredths feet and North twenty-four degrees twenty-five minutes West two hundred twenty-five and fifty-six hundredths feet; thence from said stake “A.7.”, the point of beginning, South fifty- four degrees nineteen minutcs \Vest ourteen hundred eighty-two and seven tenths feet to Station A.8 from which Station 4 of the survey of the tract of land conveyed to William Kent as aforesaid bears south fifty-four degrees nineteen minutes west three hundred ten feet distant; thence from said Station A.8. North forty-seven degrees