Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 2.djvu/1080

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PROCLAMATIONS, 1908. 2185 laws on such date and after such notice by publication as the Secretary of the Interior may prescribe, but shall not become subject to entry, Bling; selection, or other form of a propriation until the expiration of t irty days from the date so liized, and no person will be permitted to gain or exercise any right whatever under any settlement or occupation begun prior to such date, and all such settlement and occupation are hereby forbidden. - IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be ailixed. Done at the City of Washington this 16th day of A ril, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundredp and eight, [sun.] and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and thirty-second. Trmononn Roosnvmur By the President: Enum Roorr Secretary of State. BY um Pnrsmnivr or mm Umrmn Suwrms or Aumuca Av¤*2°-19°8- A PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, it ap ars that the public ood would be romoted b ],,°“'°"°,,“, N‘”°:;g adding to the Sierra National F oregt certain lands, withii)1 the State; Nev.cuof Ca ifornia and Nevada, which are in part covered with timber, m°, mm and by excluding therefrom certain lands within the State of V°‘· 33- P- "°*’~ California; Now, therefore, I, Theodore Roosevelt, President of the United ,,e§°“¤°°’*°° '¤°*“· States of America, by virtue of the power in me vested by the Act vm. ao, p. ae. of Congress, approved June fourth, eighteen hundred and ninety- __ rm, pp. 22ss. seven, entitled, "An Act Making appropriations for sundry civil “24°‘ expenses of the Government for the fiscal year ending June tlnrtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, and for other purp0ses," do roclaim that the Sierra National Forest is hereby enlaiiged to inclitde the said additional lands, and that the boundaries o the aforesaid National Forest are now as shown on the diagram forming a part hereof. The withdrawal made by this proclamation shall, as to all lands n0f’¤1¢;‘e;lgg*¤· •>¢¤-· which are at this date legally appropriated under the public land ' laws or reserved for any public purpose, be sub°ect to and shall not interfere with or defeat legal rights under such appropriation nor prevent the use for such public purpose of lands so reserved, so ong as such appropriation is legal v maintained, or such reservation remains in force. And such withdrawal shall not limit the rights L0§lZ:;;m§"°g:5d granted to the city of Los An les by the Act of Congress approved n0t_atectedi' " June thirtieth. nineteen hundgried and six,·Thirty-four Statutes at l'"' `H` °‘ 8°1‘ Large, page eight hundred and one. This proclamation shall not prevent the settlement and entry of lauggflcultufal any lands heretofore opened to settlement and ent? under the Act voi. a4, p. aaa. of Congress approved June eleventh. nineteen hun red and six. entitled, "An Act to provide for the entry of Agricultural lands within forest reserves." The lands herebv excluded from the Sierra National Forest which to ¥·¤¤gGc gsévjed are not embraced in any other withdrawal. reservation. or appropri- pu ° °` ation. shall be restored to the public domain and become subject to settlement under the general provisions of the homestead laws on such date and after such notice by publication as the Secretary of