This proclamation shall not prevent the settlement and entry of any ,u;§,g"° °*¤ *‘•' lands heretofore opened to settlement and entry imder the Act of voi. e4, p. 233. Congress approved June eleventh, nineteen hundred and six, entitled, “An Act to provide for the entry of Agricultural lands within forest reserves."
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be aihxed. Done at the City of Washington this 15th da of May, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundsred and eight, and of [san.] the Independence of the United States the one hundred and thirty-second.
By the President of the United States of America.
WHEREAS, the customs and immigration laws of the United States can be better enforced and the public welfare thereby better advanced when the Federal Government has complete control of the use and occupation of lands abutting on international boundary lines;
NOW, THEREFORE, I, THEODORE ROOSEVELT, President of the United States, do hereby proclaim and make known that all unpatented public lands of the United States, lying within sixty feet of the boundary line between the United States and the Dominion of Canada, are hereby declared to be, and are set apart as a public reservation, and shall hereafter be subject only to such rights as have been heretofore legally acquired under settlements, entries, reservations, or other forms of appropriations, and are now existing, but shall not be subject at any time to any other claim, use, or occupation, except for public highways; and any patent issued for any legal subdivision, affected by this reservation under any claim hereafter initiated, shall contain a recital that it is issued subject to this proclamation.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed.
DONE at the City of Washington this 15th day of June, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and eight, and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and thirty-second.