PROCLAMATIONS, 1908. 2193 BY ·r1=¤: Pnnsinmivr or run UNITED Swarm. ·l¤¤¢ 2*- m22Q_ A PROCLAMATION. _ The White House, · June 24, 1908. To the People of the United States: Announcing ,1,,,,,,, Grover Cleveland, President of the United States from 1885 to 1889 °é;°vnPEl.§·$l:ll1§l‘° and again from 1893 to 1897, died at 8 :40 o’clock this morning at his home in Prmceton, New Jersey. In his death the Nation has been deprived of one of its greatest citizens. By profession a lawyer, his chief services to his country were rendered durin his long, varied and honorable career in public life. As Ma or og his city, as Governor of his State, and twice as President, lie showed signal power as an administrator, coupled with entire devotion `to the country’s good and the courage that quailed before no hostility when once he was convinced where his duty lay. Since his retirement from the Presidency he has continued well and faithfully to serve his country- men by the simplicity, dignity and uprightness of his private life. In testimony of the respect in which his memory is held by the government and people of the United States, I do hereby direct that the flags on the lVhite House and the several departmental buildings be displayed at ha1f—staif for a period of thirt days; and that suitable military and naval honors, under the Grits of the Secretaries of lVar and of the Navy, be rendered on the day of the funeral. Done this twenty-fourth day of June in the year ofour Lord one thousand nine hundred and eight and of the independ- [snan.] ence of the United States of America the one hundred and thirty-second. i Tnnononn Roosnvmzr By the President: .\L\'EY A. Annu Acting Secretary of State. Br run 1,RESlDEN'l` or rms U mrnn Srxrns or Aisrmuca July 1, um. A I’R()CL.\M.\TI( )N lVIIEREAS, by Executive Order of this date, the Ashley F¥*lprIgt1¥r\on¤i National Forest, within the States of Utah and lV oming, has been °bi·l~»{mu1d ` formed from a portion of the land set apart and, reserved as the {Q}; J[‘,;_83”,% Uinta National Forest; mso, z20i. ’ And whereas, it appears that the public good would be promoted by adding to the remaining portion of the Uinta National Forest, certain lands within the State of Utah, which are in part covered with timber; Now, therefore, I, Theodore Roosevelt, President of the United m0§,,{’¤;{“°“"l°“ States of America, by virtue of the power in me vested by the Act of Congress, approved June fourth, eighteen hundred and ninety- seven, entitled, "An Act Making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, s—i,qliteen hundred and ninety-eight, and for other purposes," do proclaim that. on and after July first, nineteen hundred and eight, the boundaries of the Uinta Bational Forest within the State of lltah shall be as shown on the diagram forming a part hereof. The withdrawal made by this proclamation shall, as to all lands avgé rights not which are at this date legally appropriated under the public land ° °° ’ °t°‘ laws or reserved for any public purpose, be subject to and shall not
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 2.djvu/1095