PROCLAMATIONS, 1908. 2199 (now a factory of The American Tobacco Company), fronting sixty (60) feet on the Caguas road and extending the full width south to the water front, as now existing or as may hereafter be established. All of said lands being more particularly described by metes and bounds and otherwise in the above-mentioned deed executed April 27, 1908, and in a certain report, dated December 10. 1906, concerning the public lands of Porto Rico reserved for naval purposes, submitted by Captain Sam. C. Lemly, U. S. Navy, retired, and Frank Feuille, then Attorney General of Porto Rico. IN NVITNESS WVHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the City of \Vashington, this 4th day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand, nine hundred and eight, [sam.,] and of the independence of the United States the one hundred and thirty-third. · Tunononn Roosnvnnr By the President Ronmrr Bacon Acting Secretary of Stare. BY Tru: Pnnsinrzivr or mm Uxirrn Srxms or Aunmca. Aug¤sr12.190S. A PROCLAMATION. Wliereas the Government of the Netherlands has entered into a thR<§*r;{]·>°{*Y d with Commercial Agreement with the United States in conformit with ilgmiimniiém s' the provisions of the third section of the Tariif `Act of the United `°1‘3°*"‘?°3‘ States approved July 24, 1897, by which Agreement in the judgment of the President reciprocal and equivalent concessions are secured in favor of the products of the United States; Therefore, be it known that I, Theodore Roosevelt, President of the N£;‘;§{,j;}, ;*;jj{,wg“ United States of America, acting under the authority conferred by ' said Act of Congress, do hereby suspend during the continuance in force of said Agreement the imposition and collection of the duties imposed by the first Section of said Act upon the articles hereinafter specified, being the products of the industry of the Netherlands; and do declare in place thereof the rates of duty provided in the third Section of said Act to be in force and effect from and after the date of this, my Proclamation, as follows: Brandies, or other spirits manufactured or distilled from grain or ;\;f‘Qgf‘{§,’lg;Q_°‘l· other materials, one dollar and seventy-five cents per proo gallon. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my and and caused the seal of the United States to be aflixed. _ Done at the City of lVashington this twelfth day of August, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and eight, [sun.] and of the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and thirty-third. · ‘ Tmcononn Roosrnvmxr By the President: Anvmr A. Ann: ‘ Acting Secretary of State, The President of the United De President der Vereenigde €<>¤¤¤=¤¤i¤s mrries. States and Her Majesty the Queen Staten en Hare Majesteit de Konof the Netherlands, mutually de- ingin der Nederlandenpvederzijds siring by means of a Commercial wenschende door middel van een Agreement to facilitate the com- handelsovereenkomst de handels~ mercial intercourse between the betrekkingen tuschen de twee two countries, have appointed for landen te bevorderen, hebben tot