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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 2.djvu/1205

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2246 PROCLAMATIONS, 1909. ¥°'°'*’·“’°°- Br Trim Punsmniwr or THE UNITED STATES or Amnnron A PROCLAMQATION FmL§;f'éu¥°*‘°“°* WHEREAS,_ an Executive Order dated July second, nineteen gregmbgmw hundred and eight, consolidated the Lassen Pe , and parts of the " ’p'Diamond Mountain, Plumas, and Shasta National Forests under the name of the Lassen National Forest; And whereas, it appears that the public good will be romoted by transferring to the S asta National Forest a portion of the area heretofore embraced in the Lassen National Forest and by addin to the · Lassen National Forest certain lands within the State of Cahfornia, which are in part covered with timber; · {’,f3}','”p*f‘3‘,}_‘°“*“°“· Now, therefore,, I, Theodore Roosevelt, President of the United States of America, b virtue of the power in me vested by the Act of Congress, approved Iune fourth, eighteen hundred and nmety-seven, entitled, "An Act Making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of · the Government for the fiscal {year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, and or other purposes," do proclaim that the boundaries of the Lassen National Forest are hereby changed and tlpat they are now as shown on the two diagrams forming a part ereo . - ,,{",.c,fd_ "*'““ "°* The withdrawal made b this proclamation shall, as to all lands which are at this date legallgv appropriated under the public land laws or reserved for any public purpose, be subject to, and shall not interfere with or defeat legal rights under such appropriation, nor prevent the use for such public purpose of lands so reserved, so long as such appropriation is legally maintained, or such reservation remains in force. ¢§f°g},"‘;,f°lg3“f‘°*· This proclamation shall not prevent the settlement and entry of i any lands heretofore opened to settlement and entry under the Act of Con ess approved June eleventh, nineteen hundred and six, entitled%r"An Act to provide for the entry of Agricultural lands within forest reserves." IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the Cit of Washington this second day of March, in the year ofy our Lord one thousand nine hundred and nine, [sam.,} and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and thirty-third. ‘ Trmononm Roosrzvmxr By the President · Rozamrr Bacon Secretary of Suite. ., i“*‘{*3§?· “’°°· Br THE Przmsmmrr or THE Umrrzn Saunas or Armnrca A PROCLAMATION FQ,'} ’g,j_’ N°°'°’”=‘* WHEREAS, an Executive Order dated July second, nineteen gxhible, 37 hundred and eirht, consolidated portions of the Plumas, Diamond 1·¤¤¢,';ii*¥zii.2m' Mountain, and Tahoe National Forests under the name of the Plumas National Forest; And whereas, it appears that the public good will be lplromoted by adding to the Plumas National Forest certain lands wit °n the State of California, which are in part covered with timber; {’,‘_;,"”,_*,§“;f°’3g_”‘*'¥°•*- Now, therefore, I, Theodore Roosevelt, President of the United `` States of America, by virtue of the power in me vested by the Act