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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 2.djvu/1211

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PROCLAMATIONS, 1909. 224:7 of Congress, approved June fourth, eighteen hundred and ninety- seven, entitled, "An Act Making appropriations for simdry civil egcpenses of the Government for the iiscal year ending Jime thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, and for other pu oses," do proclaim that the Plumas National Forest is hereby erilhrged and that its boundaries are as shown on the two diagrams forming a part hereof. The withdrawal made by this proclamation shall, as to all lands mlgltgfi '*¢*¤*S M which are at this date legally appropriated under the public land ` laws or reserved for any public purpose, be sub`ect to, and shall not mterfere with or defeat egal rights under such appropriation, nor prevent the use for such publicdpurpose of lands so reserved, so long as such appropriation is leg y maintained, or such reservation remains H1 orce. , This proclamation shall not prevent the settlement and entry of Asdculwrallandsany lands heretofore opened to settlement and entry under the Act V°l'“’p'233' of Congress approved June eleventh, nineteen hundred and six, entitled, "An Act to provide for the entry of Agricultural lands within forest reserves.' _ IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. A Done at the Citfy of Washington this second da of March, in the year o our Lord one thousand nine liundred and nine, [san.,] and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and thirty-third. Timononn Roosmvmyr By the President: Rom-mr Bacon . ‘ Secretary of State. Br Tun Pmzsrnmrr or THE Umrmn STATES or Aumuon "°’°“-*°°°· A PROCLAMATION VVHEREAS, the slopes of Mount Olympus and the ad`acent sum- *,f°““* °‘Y“*P“j "°‘ mits of the Ol mpic Mountains, in the State of Washington, within iihsli- Mmmm m' the Olympic National Forest, embrace certain objects of unusual ;m,_ scientific interest, including numerous glaciers, and the region which from time immemorial has formed the summer range and breeding grounds of the Olympic Elk ((7ervus roosevelti), a species peculiar to these mountains and ra idly decreasing in numbers; Now, therefore, I, Theodore Roosevelt, President of the United w}£‘,fjg‘;‘g,§'******'***‘"t· States of America, by virtue of the power in me vested by section two v»1.;u. P--225 of the Act of Congress, approved June eighth, nineteen hundred and six, entitled, "An`Act For the preservation of American antiquities," do proclaim that there are hereby reserved from all forms of appropriation under the public land laws, subject to all prior valid adverse claims, and set apart as a National Monument, all the tracts of land, in the counties of Jefferson, Clallam, Mason and Chehalis, in the State of lVashington, shown as the Mount Olympus National Monument on the diagram forming a part hereof, and more particularly located and described as follows, to wit: _ Beginning at the southeast corner of Section 1, Township 21 North, D""°"F"°“· Range 9 Wiest, Willamette Base and Meridian, Washin¤·ton; thence northerly along the surveyed and imsurveyed range line between Ranges 8 and 9 West to the southeast cor11er of unsurveyed Township 26 North. Range 9 iNest; thence westerly between unsurveyed Townships 25 and 26 North to the southwest corner of unsurveyed Town- SOS93—-vox. 35, rrr 2-09--85