Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 2.djvu/1222

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2256 INDEX. Ambassadqrsi—C0ntiuued. PSSB- Ammunition, Navy, P¤S°· appro£r1gx§10n¤ {012 salaries uint to be apprfpriatigm for ... 132, 758 0 cm Sl'8(;€lVH1g0t crsa aries .. 7 ,67 imit o pri e ... , 758 §enemlauth0r1ty to appoint, repealed . 672 payments tg) trusts, ctc., forbidden..- 759 creaftcéact of Congress necessary to create §O1' BglIIOg5B1C8S powder, limit. of price. . 132, 759 0 ce . or, or 1ps . 1 ...,. 759 Ambrose Channel, York Harbor, use of supplies on hand; limit .. 132, 759 appropriation for mpmvcmcut of. . - . 358, Amos, Wesley, , 997, 1000 pension increased ..,...,, 1289 for bun s .,.,. 971 Amay, use of money for tank light-vessel. 971 classification and salary of consulate ... 101 night mw1gation pennittad; rs? . . 817 Amsterdam, American Ephemzm and Afautua Almanac, classification and salary of consulate ... 101 appropriation for pmpuing . 221, 886 Amsterdam, N. K, American Ethnology, construction authorized of public building appmgriatiou or continuing researches qt . .: . 527 m . .. 323, 964 deiicwncy appropnatxon for . 484 for moving records, ctc., to Smithsonian appropriation for .. - 946

 building  é ..6.-h ...   964 Anacostia and gotgmac River Railroad Oom-

01* rinting an in ing reports an pany, . ., _ Eullctius . . . 383, 1023 to construct tracks on First street SE. from American Republics, E street to East Capitol. ..,.,___ 246 convention concluded by, to guard against Delaware avenue NE. fmm C street to

 cgidemms .. Z ... 2094 Union Station plaza . - .. 246

mtematnomzl copyright .conve1ntion bc- from G street and New Jersey avenue

 tween. .;  . 1934 NW. on Mamachusetts avenue to

Ameruxm ffepublws, International Union ¢ Third and Fourth streets NE ... 246

appmpngug br mw of  t E 177, 678 %)61'I111t to 13; duct;;:; ..  

merwan c a mserva wu ocu y, 0 remove used ; expenses ... N. K, time of construction limited; extension 248 grunted gzoudcmnod ordnance for Stony joint usc of tracks; terms .. 248

 Pomt State Park ... 442 purchase of sortion of Square No. 626, for

American §'sq·m¢n, exten ing tracks 248 appropmmqn for hfe-saving tesumomals, temporary overhead trolleys, allowed to rescuing . 175, 676 Union Station . . 249

 gzrgeliof and pmpcctio1;of. .i   .   . . 181, 682 subsntution of underground construe-  

e c1eucy appropnation or re ie an pm- tion .. , .,..

 , u .. up na on or ra mg ex . ,

for sewrsgzgj gi A- · _ _ · I · U _ 32, 517, Bgdgcf Ds C-. t' uses 284 699 Amzmcqn Woolen Company, Ear removal of cls? . .. 699 deiicxency appropriation for refund of duty use of Jmlgucc for completing up- to 9 proac es 0 new . , .. Americus, Ga. deEci¤ncy appropriation for ap roaches; apgmpriatiép for public building..: ... 946 time for ccuépletiou oxtendpod .. . 13

11m1t;f cost increased, public bmlding  520 Anacostia flgts,     .,        

mu enemcre, sppropmmon mvatsgu o ngarisn passion increased .. . . ·1446 ri¥xts, etc., along nacostis Rave:.. 700 Ames, Harvey B., Anacostm {ver Road D. C., pension increased . - - . 1456 proceedings to condemn land on south bank Ames, Iowa, of nvmé for .. ... . . . . 1062 acquiring site an erecting pu licing opening 0 strip m nsame y um

 at, authorized-..:...; .. gg groqn;1s..} ..  

ciency appropriatxcu or . a propna 10¤ or expenses ... appropriation for ... 946 Améko, Okla., Ammunition! Army, ‘ balances from sales of town lots to be puud apgroggatxon for small arms. . .. 124, 749 to treasurer of z . 458 or n morning and eveuing grm. . . 124, 749 transferred to countnes for improvefor smali-aqns tprggt practice, etc . 124, 750 mcuté. 802 for issue to mstntuuous, utc ... 124, 750 Andersgn, filfred G., ‘ for mxlisry ... ; .. t ... 394 pension mcrcascq ... . 1188 for maclunc and automauc guns . 729 Andersgm, Belsy (mdow), §°’ "‘°“*‘°t";;$f·· ""“‘°“ ············· $53 1 ·······*···· · ····*····· **2 or seacoas ou , ., for mucous: arcilimiy practice ... 729 Q pension increased . ... 1479 for field, ctc., arti] ery practice . 729 g Andersgn, pand N., for, su;,, for Held., em., smllery prac® } p;;s1011 gncreasegd 1376 tics ,.,._,__. , n sgn, ecrge ., imuc of older model to institutions. . 395, 730 3 p6Ds10¤ increascd .. . . 1546 for altering to rapid-fire Held matexjml. . . 395 ‘ Andersgm, S., is$.?Z“$°“;'£§°‘¥·§”“rga“‘“'¤.-“°“°““w¤i1{’t?§ MKS; Anmp°“°“ ‘.?5f§‘*“°" ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ lm 7 • 0 G' 7 I Ammqnimm, etc., ’ pension increased-.-:... - - I .. 1467 pumshment for sale of, to mmves of Pacxic Andersgm, Jorge Benandes (wulow), islands .. . .,.., . 1148 penswu mcrumed ... . 1390