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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 2.djvu/945

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2104 1>AN-AM1s:R1oAN SANITARY CONVENTION. o¤—TOBER 14. 1905. 5. The ship shall be moored at least two hundred metres from the inhabited shore. _ 6. The ship shall be fumigated for the destruction of mosaiuitoes before the discharge of cargo, if possible. If a fumigation e not possible before the discharge of the cargo, the health authorities shall order, either (a,) The employment of immune persons for discharging the car o, or (h) If non—immunes be employed they shall be kept under obser— vation during the discharging of cargo and for six days, to date from the last day of exposure on board. S‘“l"’°“’d ““*’*· ARTICLE XLVII. Ships suspected of yellow fever are to be sub— jected to the measures which are indicated in Nos. 1, 3 and 5 of the preceding article; and, if not fumigated, the cargo shall be discharged as directed under sub- aragraph (a) or (b) of the same article. Shire fm16MM. ARTICLE XLVIII. Ships imlemne from yellow fever, coming from an infected port, after the medical visit (inspection), shall be admitted to free pratique, provided the duration of the trip has exceeded six da s. If the trip be shorter, the ship shall be considered as suspected until the completion of a period of six days, dating from the day of de arture. llf a case of yellow fever develop during the period of observation, the ship shall be considered as infected. l"““““°’· Anrrcrn XLIX. All persons who can prove their immunit to yellow fever, to the satisfaction of the health authorities shah be permitted to land at once. Engusu mx:. ARTICLE L. It is agreed that in the event of a difference of intergretation of the English and Spanish texts, the interpretation of the nglish text shall prevail. TRANSITORY DISPOSITION. Adherence. The governments which may not have signed the present Convention are to be admitted to adherence thereto upon demand; notice of this adherence to be `ven through diplomatic channels ` to the government of the United States of America and by the latter to the other signatory overnments. sigmum. Made and si ed in tire City of Wasliington on the 14th day of the month of Octolier, nineteen hundred and five, in two copies, in English and Spanish respectively, which shall be deposited in the State Department of the overnment of the United States of America, in or er that certified copies thereof, in both English and Spanish, may be made to transmit them through diplomatic channels to each one of the signatory countries. D EDUARno Mooan. JUAN J. ULLOA. JUAN Gurriszius. E B Banxnr. · Eivumo C. Jomsnnr. M. H. Aroivan. WVALTER Wminx. H. D. Gmnnmcs. Jomv S. FULTON. `VALTER D. McCAw J. D. Gxrnwoon _ H. L. E. Jonxsox, M. D. Jonoufx Yam. E. Lrcizxen. J L Mmnxa M. D. DAME:. Eno Lsvonnnfa. N. VELOZ Gorrrcos.