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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 2.djvu/987

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PROCLAMATIONS, 1907. 2133 BY mn Pnnsinmrr or rms Um·rm> S·n·ms. lh! 2L iw"- A PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS, pursuant to the act of April 27, 1904 (33 Stat., 352), “$_*&W¤¤¤,·;i¤¤(B» entitled "An act to ratify and amend an agreement with the Indians 1>¤·e:¤i¤1e.°¤ ' of the Crow Reservation in Montana, and making appropriations to v°'· 3* *’· 352- carry the same into effect," certain of the unal otted lands of the ceded Crow Indian Reservation in Montana, have been withdrawn V0]- 32· P- 388- for disposition under the Reclamation Act of June 17, 1902 (32 Stat., 388), were for that reason excepted from the Proclamation of May V°l· 3*- P· 3200- 24, 1906, opening the remaining portion of the ceded lands of said V reservation to settlement andentry, and have been subdivided and platted as farm units in the Hunt ey Project; And Whereas, it now becomes necessary to open the lands in the said Huntley Project for disposition under the said Reclamation Act; And Wliereas, the great demand for these lands because of their enhanced value by reason of the construction of irrigation works makes it necessary to prescribe an orderly manner in which said lands may be settled upon, occupied, and entered, by persons entitled to Irlnake elptryftherqof Od I P d f h U d 0 t I d ow, there ore, , e ore ve t, resident o the nite n ° ¤¤*j ` States, in furtherance of the provisions of said act of April 27, 1904, r:i·H&:;iig¤:¤iiij do hereby declare and make known that the lands shown upon the V"' ”‘ 852* approved farm unit plats of said Huntley Project will, on and after the 22nd da of July, 1907,'be opened to settlement, entiéy, and dis- D¤*¤ °* ¤P°¤*¤8- position undler the provisions of the Reclamation Act, an the act of April 27, 1904, in the manner hereinafter prescribed and not other- 'WISB. Any qualified person desiring to make entry of an of these lands, p"’;':.‘};"*” °' *1* shall execute in person within the limits of the Bihings, Montana, land district, an affidavit showing his qualifications to enter and means of identifying him (lforms of such affidavits to be furnished by the officers of the land epartment). The affidavit must be presented in a sealed envelope, in dperson or by ordina and not registered mail, at the district lan office located at Bigings, Montana, _ before 4:30 . m., June 25, 1907. Thereafter at 9 a. m., on June 26, 1907, there shall be taken or drawn, impartially, from the envelopes Drswinzs. so filed, such number as may be necessary to carry into effect the provisions of the Proclamation, and the order of drawin such envelopes shall determine the order in which applicants shallgbe permitted to make entry of these lands. Those successful as a result of the drawing_ must present formal Requirements. application to enter a specific farm unit within the time fixed and assigned for making such application; show present qualifications; file a water rivht application; make the required payments under the za}: v- gg- Reclamation Act and the act of April 27, 1904; and otherwise comply °°` ‘ with the law. _ Any person filing more than one affidavit, or in other than his true Furrmum. name, s all be denied any privilege he might otherwise have secured under this drawing`, except that any honorably discharged soldier or orgvigieg ¤¤<1ts¤ij— sailor entitled to the benefits of section 2304 of the Revised Statutes ¢mea.g S °° 8 ` of the United States as amended by the act of March 1, 1901 (31 Stat., p_ Es} *‘°°· 230*- 847), may be represented by an agent of his own selection for the VM- 31, n- 847. purpose of executing the affidavit herein required, due authority therefor being shown, but no person will be permitted to act as agent for more than one such soldier or sailor. Envelo s showing on the outside distinctive marks of any character shallmbe eliminated from the drawing.