SIXTY—FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 192. 191.1. 981 ments to bathhouses, bathing ools, and grounds, one thousand two hundred dollars; in all, four thousand two hundred and eighty dollars, to be immediately available. Pmsuc scaursz For replacement and repair of public scales, two P“bu° “°‘“°" hundred dollars. · Pnarenonnnsz For maintenance, repairs, including labor, equip- ,,§,§‘§,{‘§,{°““"’·“‘“‘“' ment, supplies, and necessary incidental and contingent expenses, to be immediately available, three thousand dollars. For salaries: Clerk, eight hundred and forty dollars; su ervisor,‘ S""*°"• ten months, at one hundred and fifty dollars per month; directors, assistant directors, and watchmen, to be employed not exceeding seven months, as follows: Nine directors, at seventy-five dollars per month each; two assistant directors, at sixty dollars per month each; one assistant director, at lift dollars per month; one watchman, at twenty-five dollars per montli'. To be employed not exceeding three i months, as follows: One director, at seventy-five dollars er month; six assistant directors at sixty dollars per month each; three assistant directors, at fifty dollars per month each; five assistants, at forty- five dollars per month each; eight assistants at forty dollars per ·month each; two watchmen, at forti-Eve dollars er month each; and seven watchmen, at forty-five_dollars per montlli each for twelve months; in all, fifteen thousand eight hundred and seventy dollars, - which sum shall be paid wholly out of the revenues of the District m§Q;<_§;g¤¤¤D¤m¢* of Columbia. ' Irrrnmoiz Panic: For the condemnation of land in the interior of ,,,{,L?§,°5'§§_°’ ‘"‘"‘j square five hundred and thirty-four, within the limiting lines shown on approved plans in the office of the Engineer Commissioner of the District of Co umbia, and for the development of the land so acquired as an interior park: Provided, That the said land shall be condemned mhuatiou of by a proceeding in rem in accordance with the provisions of sub- mas. chapter one of chapter fifteen of the Code of Law for the District of V°'· “· P·15’· Columbia within six months after the date of the passage of this Act: _ And ooided further, That of the amount found to be due and m;餤¤¤¤¤¤¢¤¤¤f¤>¢¤¤· awardgd by the jury in said condemnation proceedings as damages ' for and in respect of the land to be condemned, plus the cost and expense of said proceeding, not less than one-thir thereof shall be assessed by the jury as benefits, seventy-eight thousand dollars. Puarrc cozévrmrnncn STATIONSZ For maintenance of public con- m*QY§,§@$ °°““’”‘°“°° venience stations, including comlpensation of necessary employees, eleven thousand two hundred an fifty dollars. CONDEMNATION or INSANITARY BUILDINGS! For all exfpenses neces- m*;{"*”“°'>’ ”““d· sary and incident to the enforcement of an Act entitle "An Act to irb1.34,p.1sv. create a board for the condemnation of insanitary buildin in the District of Columbia, and for other purposes," approved Edgy first, nineteen hundred and six, including personal services, when authorized by the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, two thousand five hundred dollars. ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT. mggifmm d°P°“* Electrical engineer, two thousand five hundred dollars; assistant 5*****- electrical engineer who shall hereafter perform the duties of the electrical engineer in the absence or disability of the latter and shall have the same qualifications as to ability and technical knowledge as is required by law of the head of the department, two thousand dollars; three electrical inspectors, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; inspector of lamlps, one thousand dollars; electrician, one thousand two hundred dollars; two draftsmen, at one thousand dollars each; three telegraph operators, at one thousand dollars each; three inspectors, at nine hundred dollars each; expert repair man, nine hun- 88740°—vor. 36, rrr 1-11-64