Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1049

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SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 207. 1911. IO25 wise provided for; all to be purchased in o en market on order of suptermtendent, one thousand five hundred dldhars; epairs and improvements to the laundry machinery and ap ara- ,m§·°“°d’Y· **°°h°“» tus in the cadet laundry, and the purchase of new material,-ad)ding ` machine, tools, and so forth, to be expended without advertising, one thousand eight hundred dollars; Repair of cooilring utensils, chairs, tables, and other furniture in the cadet mess, and the replacement of same, to be expended without advertising, one thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars; For the purchase of cooking and baking a paratus, new tables, chairs, and so forth, to be immediately available, three thousand . two hundred and fift%y dollars; . ' For the policing 0 barracks and bath houses, nine thousand three P¤¤¤i¤8· hundred and eighty-two dollars and fifty cents; _ For srglpplying light and plain furniture to cadets} barracks, three ¤,Ct;gj*BQ:¤“¤· ‘¤*· thousan six hundred dollars; ` For maintaining the children’s school, the Superintendent of the Ch“d¥¢¤’• ¤°h°°l· Military Academy being authorized to emplo the necessary teachers, three thousand five hundred and twenty dolllirsz For one chemical fire engine with necessary equipment, seven Fm ¤¤8*¤¤· hundred dollars; Promkled, That section thirty-six hundred and forty-eight, Revised ggimém Statutes, shall not apply to subscriptions for foreign, professional, r.s.,¤ec.sa4s,p.·r1a and other newspapers and periodicals, to be paid for from any of the . foregoing appropriations. r surnames Am: enormns. ‘ ngyl§j¤¤¤¤ ·¤¤ For cases, materials, fittin , fixtures, and other a pliances and °¤*¤¤¤•=° museumrepairs for ordnance museum iii headquarters buildingfbne thousand 1`b°m°"’ °°°` five hundred dollars; _ For repairs to ordnance laboratory and other buildings pertaining to the department of ordnance and gunnery, and materials for roads and walks, and for repairs to machinery and tools, one hundred and fifty dollars; For general repairs to the cadet laundry building, and for emergency mcidental expenses about building, to be expended without advertising, four hundred dollars; For general incidental repairs and improvements to the cadet store building, including storerooms, office, tailor shops, and sh0e—repairing shops, five hundred dollars; l·or screening the doors and windows in cadet mess, one thousand and forty-five dollars; For materials and labor for re airs, alterations, and additions needed S<>¤di¢¤‘ h°¤Pi*¤l· at the soldiers’ hos ital, as follbws: Purchase of suitable incandescent lights, droplights, tubing, mantels, and so forth; for paraflin and turpentine for waxing floors; for brushes, paints, glass, putty, and for general repairs; for materials for rebronzing radiators; and for purchase of flowers, fruit trees, shrubs plants, and so forth, for hospital grounds, one hundred and sixty-five dollars; For painting interior walls and ceilings of entire hospital, four hundred dollars; For paintirgg exterior woodwork, tin roofs, leaders and gutters of entire ospit , three hundred and fifty dollars; ` d Her bur ding two cupboards with drawers for pantry, fifty-eight 0 ars; d ger rebuilding of stone steps in front of the building, forty-five o ars; For repairs and additions to quarters of sergeants, first class, Hospital Corps, at soldiers’ hospital, as follows: