I SIXTY·FIRS’I` CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 209. 1911. 1045 the provisions of section fifteen of the militia law, from September first to tenth, nineteen hundred and ten, the Secretary of War is authorized to pay the sum of ten thousand e' ht hundred and thirty- Ame, p.1044. four dollars and twenty-one cents from fundsidtreretofore appropriated for "Encampment and maneuvers, Organized Militia, nineteen hun- Pr _ dred and ten and nineteen hundred and twelve:" Provided further “£§:”$i{°&rmm meg. That said expenditure by Brigadier General Rumbold shall beregarded as a payment to the troops by the United States as evidenced by receipted rolls now held lgnthe War Department. EQUIPMENT or COAST TILLERY, armorures, Oneamznn MILITIA: Ruin"' °°“‘ ""“' Dummy guns and mortars; mounts for dummy guns and mortars; &¤ir>¤¤¤¤¤ of ¤r- dummy ammunition; loading appliances; range and osition finding `°°”°”° equipment; aiming and laying evices; subcalibertuges and mountings therefor; labor and material necessa to install dummy guns · and mortars, and to provide appliances add devices for instructional purposes in armory buildings Lprovided by States for Coast Artillery companies of the Organized ilitia, three hundred and thirty-eight thousand one hundred and seventy dollars. _ Upon the request of the governors of the several States and Terri- ‘}{,,.“',f,T§j tories concerned, the President may detach officers of the active list iM` ¤¤11i¤¤· of the Arm from their proper commands for duty as inspectors and instructors of, the Organized Militia, as follows, namely: Not toexceed one officer for each regiment and separate battalion of infantry, or its equivalent of other troo : Provided, That line officers detached for duty with vseandi-s from dethe Organized under the provisions hereof, together with those ‘““’· detached from their proper commands, under the provisions of law, for other duty the usua period of which exceeds one year, shall be subject to the provisions of section twenty-seven of the Act approved V¤1-81.r>·755· February second, nineteen hundred and one, with reference to details to the staff corps, but the total number of detached officers hereby N“'”"°' ““‘“°"· made sub'ect to these provisions shall not exceed two hundred: Pm ti { d _ And provided further, That the number of such officers detached from hcherioddiidxdmo °` each of the several branches of the line of the Army shall be in proportion to the authorized commissioned strength of that branch; they shall be of the grades first lieutenant to colonel, inclusive, and the number detached from each grade shall be in proportion to the number in that grade now provided bylaw for the who e Army. ,The ,{g§",§f Q'§§§,§‘,§’*ff,{{Z vacancies hereby caused or created in the grade of second lieutenant g¤¤¤¤¤· shall be filled in accordance with existing law, one·half in each fiscal ear until the total number of vacancies shall have been filled: Provided, That hereafter vacancies in the grade of second lieutenant ,,,2,§‘§"' °‘ °°"°i"°' occurring in any fiscal year shall be filled by appointment in the followin order, namely: First, of cadets graduated) from the United States lfilitary Academy during that fiscal year; second, of enlisted men whose fitness for promotion shall have been determined by competitive examination; third, of candidates from civil life between the ages of twenty-one and twenty-seven years. The President is authorized to make rules and regulations to carrv these provisions Qumemntefsbg into effect: Prwhled, That the Quartermasterls De artment is partment. hereby increased by two colonels, three lieutenant colimels, seven $§?§f§§$§i‘m majors, and eighteen captains, the vacancies thus created to be filled _ by promotion- and detail in accordance with section twenty-six . o the Act approved February second, nineteen hundred and one. sUBsrsTENcr·: DEPARTMENT. mggpeswace nepm. _ Purchase of subsistence supplies; For issue, as rations to troops, gt§f1pph“'Pumh.‘%· c1v1l_ employees when entitl _ thereto, hospital matrons, nurses applicants for enlistment while held under observation, general prisoners of war (mcludrng Indians held by the Army as prisoners, 88740°-—vor. 36, PI 1~—l1--68