SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 209. 1911. 1047 thousand five hundred and seventiy-nine dollars and forty cents, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of War, and accounted for afs]"§ubsistence of the Army," and for that purpose to constitute one n : Prmnkied, That hereafter when under the Army Regulations sub- bjrgggysgmw 0****** sistence supplies are furnished to another bureau of the War Depart- ’ ' ment, or to another executive department of the Government or employees thereof, pafyment therefor shall be made in cash by the proper dis ursing officero the bureau, office, or department concerned, or by the employee to whom the sale is made. When the transaction is ?§f,‘§$*g,D,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, between two bureaus of the War Department the price to be charged b¤¤¢¤¤¤ shall be the contract or invoice price of the supplies. When the etQ°h°* °€Pmm°¤**· transaction is between the Subsistence Department and another ' executive department of the Government or employees thereof, the price to be charged shall include the contract or invoice price and ten per centum additional to cover wastage in transit, and the cost of transportation. - QUABTERMASTER,S nnrsanmm. P_$;‘,,';;°,f,f”‘”°°*°”° REGULAR sU1>1*Lr1=.=s: Regular supplies of the Quartermastefs R°¤"‘]"““PP““· Department, including their care and protection, cons1strng'of stoves _ and heating apparatus required for heating offices, hospitals, barracks and quarters, and recruiting stations, and United tates military rison; also ranges and stoves, and appliances for cook1ng·and servmg iiood at mm, and repair maintenance of such heating and cook- Eg) app ces; for furmshing heat gght for the authorized wanoe of quarters for officers and enlist _ men, for contract surgeons aud contract dental surgeons when stationed at, occupying public quarters at, mihtary posts, for officers of the national guar attending service and garrison schools, and for recruits, guards, hos itals, storehouses, offices, the buildings erected at private cost in the operation of the Act approved May thirty-first, nineteen hun- V°'·3“· *‘·°“ dred and two; for sale to officers, and including also fuel and engine supplies required in the operation of modern batteries at established posts; for post bakeries; for ice machines and their maintenance where re<}u1red for the health and comfort of the troops and for cold storage; or the construction, operation, and maintenance of laundries at military posts in the United States and its island possessions; for the necessary furniture, text—books, paper, and equipment for the st schools and libraries; for the tableware and mess furniture for kiichens and mess halls, each and all for the enlisted men, including recruits; of forage in kind for the horses, mules, and oxen of the F°“‘g°·°°°‘ Quartermastefs Department at the several posts and stations and o with the armies in the field, and for the horses of the several regiments of cavalry, the batteries of artillery, and such companies of infantry and scouts as may bemounted, and for the author·1zed number of officers’ horses, including bedding for the animals; of straw for soldiers’ bedding, and of stationery, typewriters and exchange of same, including blank books for the Quartermaster's D?artment certificates for discharged soldiers, blank forms for the ay and Quartermaster’s Departments, and for rinting department orders and reports: Provided, That no part, ofp the appropriations for the Quarter- master’s Department shal be expended on printing unless the same shall be done at the Government Printing Office, or by contract aft er due notice and competition, except in such cases as the emergency will not admit of the giving notice of competition, and in cases where it is impracticable to have the necessary rinting done by contract the same may be done, with the approvalp of the Secretary of War, by the purchase of material and hire of the necessary labor for the