six*rY-1v1RsT coNG1<.Ess. sm. III. GH. 209. 1911. 1051 munitions of war and military supplies and pro erty as the Secretary of War shall deem just and reasonable under thie foregoing provision, such rate not to exceed fifty per centum of the com ensation for such Government transportation as shall at that time lie charged to and paid by private parties to any such company for like and similar transportation; and the amount so fixed to be paid shall be acce ted _ as in full for all demands for such service; for the purchase andlliire l>1¤ft¤¤¤¢k¤¤i· of draft and pack animals in such numbers as are actually required for m °' °t°' the service, including reasonable provision for replacing unserviceable animals; for the purchase, hire, operation, maintenance, and repair of such harness, wagons, carts, rays, and other vehicles as are rsguired for the transportation of troops and supplies, and for official, ` itary and garrison pxurposes; for draya e and cartage at the several de ots; for the ire of teamsters and other employees; and for extra—<i)uty pay of enlisted men driving teams, rerilairing means of transportation, and employed as train masters; for the purchase and Shia *>°¤*¤· ¢*¤— repair of ships, boats, and other vessels required for the transportation of troops and supplies and for official, military and garrison puryiloses; for expenses of sailing Lpublic transplorts and other vessels on the various rivers, the Gulf of exico, and the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans: Provided, That hereafter when, in the opinion of the Secretary R;`*yg;vg*;{g¤¤t t fg of War, accommodations are available, transportation on vessels of ser-vice. ° ° the Army transport service may be furnished the officers, em loyees, and enlisted men of the Revenue-Cutter Service, and their fsimilies, , without expense to the United States, and also secretaries and supplies Young mers cms of the Army and Navy de artment of the Young Men’s Christian m" ’““°°*’“‘°“‘ Association: Provided furtir, That hereafter when there is cargo G3`,$"°“°"“"°“‘° space available without displacing military supplies, transportation may be provided for merchandise of American production consigned to residents and mercantile firms of the island of Guam, rates and _ re lations therefor to be prescribed by the Secretarg of War: Pro- d,§{§§°” °“ °m"‘“ vigil further, That hereafter in the performance of t cir official and military duties officers of the Army are authorized, under such regulations as may be established by the Secretary of War, to use means of transportation herein provided for: And gromded further, That the }Q‘§;‘;',§$)"§,f},°jéS ,0, accounting officers of the Treasury are here y authorized and directed wmiécrury mm re to remove any suspensions or disallowances in the accounts of quarter- m°"° ` masters fof the scal years nineteen hundred and nine, nineteen hundred and ten, and nineteen hundred and eleven, for the temporary hire of motor vehicles, and for the repair, operation, and maintenance of motor vehicles in the Quarterrnaster’s Department, when approved by the Secretary of War as necessary for the public service; and for H*”b°' bmw- em the purchase and repair of harbor boats, and repair of boats for the Seacoast Artillery service, eleven million twenty-three thousand six hundred and fifteen dollars and six cents. Roans, wanxs, wnanvss, AND DRAINAGEZ For the construction {,*g§§;*{;gg§_;§éS cm and repairs by the Quartermaster's Department of roads, walks, and " ’ wharves; for payment of extra—duty pay to enlisted men employeé in opening roads and in building wharves; for the pay of employeesj for the disposal of drainage; for dredging channels and for care and improvement of grounds at military posts and stations, four hundred and forty-nine thousand three hundred and fifteen dollars and seventv·nine cents. VVATER. AND snwmzs AT Mrnrranr rosrs: For procuring and intro- W““°"·“""°”·°‘°· ducing water to buildings and premises at such military posts and stations as from their situation require it to be brought from a distance; for thefmrchase and repair of fire apparatus; for the disposal of sewage; or re airs to water and sewer systems and for hire of employees, two `on two hundred and fifty thousand nine