SIXTY-FIRST couenass. sm. III. cH. zce. 1911. 1055 and of proficiency in the usual subjects of a standard dental college course: Provided, That the contract dental surgeons attached to the ,¤}§{8[,*;’f}gfS,fjge$)Q]';· Medical Department at the time of the passage of this Act ma be ` eligible for appointment as first lieutenants, dental corps, witliout limitation as to agp: And provided further, That the professional w£§eg’”*““‘*°¤¤ examination for suc appointment may be waived in the case of con- ` tract dental surgeons in the service at the time of the passage of this Act whose efficiency re rts and entrance examinations are satisfactory. The Secretary cfm War is authorized to appoint boards of three B°“d°*”°m*¤°*¤· examiners to conduct the examinations herem prescribed, one of whom shall be a surgeon in the Army and two of whom shall be selected by the Secretary of War from the commissioned dental surgeons. uunaau or INSULAR uname. Aggfgu 0* *¤¤¤*¤* CARE or INSANE FILIPIN0 sommns: For the care, maintenance, diggsm 0* imma ¤¤*· and treatment at asvlums in the Philippine Islands of insane natives ririrrpprue rsrrmas. of the Phili pine Islands cared for in such institutions conformably to the Act olf Congress a roved May eleventh, nineteen hundred and V°l· 2** P- *22- eight, three thousand dollliirs. CABE or INSANE sowmns, POBTO R100 Rmeumnr or INFANTBY: *’°”° R‘°°· For the care maintenance and treatment at asylums in Porto Rico _ of insane soldiers of the l’orto Rico Regiment of Infantry, seven hundred and twenty dollars. mmrunza DEPARTMENT- mE£?l"°°”' P°"‘"' Erzemmmz nmrors: For incidental ex nses for the depots, includ- M*,;¤g*•*g*°**°*P*=¤¤¤¤ ing fuel, lights, chemicals, stationery, ligrdware, machinery, pa of P0 ' civilian clerks, mechanics, and laborers, extra-duty pay to soldiers necessarily em loyed for periods not less than ten days as artificers on work in addition to and not strictly in the line of their military duties, such as carppnters, blacksmiths, draftsmen, printers, lithographers, photograp ers, engine drivers, telegraph operators, teamsters, wheelwrights, masons, machinists, painters, overseers, laborers; for lumber and materials and for labor for packing and crating engineer supplies; repairs of, and for materials to repair, public bugdings, machinery, and unforeseen expenses, twenty thousand dollars. - For purchase and repair of instruments to be issued to officers of ,u§“1_{1°h§g:°,;L °*°-· °* the Corps of Engineers and to officers detailed and on duty as acting engiineer officers for use on public works and surveys, ten thousand dollars. Ervemmm Scnoor, Wasnmerox, Drsrrrrcr or Comrmsrxz E uip- §s¤s*¤€°f Sg*¤>¤*· ment and maintenance of the Engineer School at Washingtondiar- iiciullgmma mm racks, District of Columbia, including purchase of instruments, Eqmpmem machinery, implements, models, and materials, for the use of the school and for instruction of engineer troops in their special duties as sappers and miners; for land mining, pontoniering, and signaling; for purchase and binding of professional works and periodicals of recent date treatin of military and civil engineering and kindred scientific subjects ger the library of the United States Engineer rueraeumrexpeuses. School; for incidental expenses of the school, including fuel, lights, · chemicals, stationery, hardware, machinery, and boats; for ay of civilian clerks, draftsmen, electricians, mechanics, and laborers; compensation of civilian lecturers and payment of tuition fees of student officers at civil technical institutions; for extra-duty pay to soldiers necessarily employed for eriods not less than ten days as artiiicers on work in addition to and) not strictly in the line of their military duties, such as carpenters, blacksmiths, draftsmen, printers, lithographers, photographers, cme drivers, telegraph operators,