SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 6. 1909. 85 articles, goods, wares, or merchandise of Philippine Islands manufacture; such tax to be paid by intemal—revenue stamps or otherwise, as provided by the laws in the Philippine Islands, and such articles, UE xg? P r f rom goods wares or merchandise going into the Philippine Islands from mw m°St°x° the United States shall be exempt from the payment of any tax imposed by the internal—revenue laws of the United States: And ,mma,_1_evcnue promkied further, That, in addition to the customs taxes imposed in mx on imports erm the Phihppine Islands, there shall be levied, collected, and paid §l§§{},S_"°"‘ U“‘°°d therein upon articles, goods, wares, or merchandise, imported into the Philippine Islands from countries other than the United States, the iuternal—revenue tax imposed by the Philippine government on like articles manufactured and consumed in the Philippine Islands or . ship ed thereto, for consumption therein, from the United States: Andppravidedfuiihcr That from and after the passa e of this Act all bg°,l§,¥§°inr$§'°{’n`§‘f;,l2 internal revenues collected in or for account of the Pliilippine Islands °*°”“’>'· shall accrue intact to the general overnment thereof and be paid into the Insular treasury, and shari only be allotted and paid out therefrom in accordance with future acts of the Philippine legislature subject, however, to section seven of the Act of Congress approved V°1‘ 32*** 6°3‘ July first, nineteen hundred and two, entitled "An.Act temporarily to provide for the administration of the affairs of civil government in the Philippine Islands, and for other purposes:" And promkled H tm Pm {urther, That, until action by the Philippine legislature, approved ;p’§i¤‘§e§,¥.lul’,{j.,¤_" y Congress, internal revenues paid into the Insular treasury, as . gereinbefore provided, shall be allotted and paid out by the Philippine ommission. Sec. 6. That whenever any country, dependency, colony, province 0,$‘;‘,;?P*§§,“‘,1e**gg,‘§,;’,,°,{ or other political subdivision of government shall pay or bestow expo;-cmunry. directly or indirectl , any bounty or grant upon the exportation of ° '3°’ p' 2°°‘ any article or mercliandise from such country, dependency, colon , province or other political subdivision of government, and such article or merchandise is dutiable under the provisions of this Act, then upon the importation of any such article or merchandise into the United States, whether the same shall be imported directly from the country of production or otherwise, and whether such article or merchandise is imported in the same condition as when exported from the country of production or has been changed in condition by} remanufacture or otherwise, there shall be levied and paid, in all suc cases in addition to the duties otherwise imppsed by this Act an additional duty equal to the net amount of such ounty or ant, however the same e paid ` or bestowed. The net amount of air such bounties or grants shall ,,,,’f,°’,f§{"f,‘{{,‘f“°"‘ °' be from time to time ascertained, determined, and declared by the Secretary of the Treasury, who shall make all needful regulations for the identification of such articles and merchandise and for the assessmegit and cpilectiqp of suph aeidgtional duties.f d Cammy of mgm nc. 7. at a artic es o oreign manu acture or ro uction, bemuked 0,, my which are capable of being marked, stamtped, branded, por labeled, gigs;] 30 205 without inj , shall be marked, stampe , branded, or labeled in '°` ` legible Englislh, words, in a conspicuous place that shall not be covered or obscured by any subsequent attachments or arrangements, so as to indicate the country of origin. Said marking, stamping, branding, or labeling shall be as nearly indelible and permanent as thmaturg of the article will permét. 1 h nb k d d P mm t b pac a es containingimporte artic ess a emar e ,stampe , m§,d wm, ,,3,,,, ° branded, orglabeled so as tolindicate legibly and plainly, in English 2; ;ari¤¤· Mm cg words, the country of origin and the quantity of their contents, and ° until marked in accordance with the directions prescribed in this section no articles or packages shall be delivered to the importer. Should any article or packa e of imported merchandise be marked, d§{’,‘{§,?,l?‘“°° wm Stamped, branded, or labelef so as not accurately to indicate the quantity, number or measurement actually contained in such article 88740°——vot 36, rr 1--11--8