SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ons. 226, 227. 1911. 1085 entitled to receive it, or to whom the same ou ht not, in the interest of the national defense, be communicated at gmt time; or whoever, °,§“°‘°'*'*¤ P*°““· being lawfully intrusted with any such document, sketch, hotograph, ` photograffiic negative, plan, model, or knowledge, willfully and in reach o his trust, so communicates or attem ts to communicate the Punishment same, shall be fined not more than one thousand) dollars, or imprisoned not more than one year, or both. Sm. 2. That whoever, having committed any offense defined in the c,f’,,}‘,‘},{{’,{‘{{,‘_§{},fu"{g’ preceding section, communicates or attempts to communicate to any hzreisn sovernments. oreign government, or to any agent or employee thereof, any docu- ° °° ‘ ment, sketch, photograph`, photographic negative, plan, model, or knowledge so o tained, taken, or made, or so intrusted ‘to him, shall be imprisoned not more than ten ears. Sec. 3. That oiienses against the provisions of this Act committed ,,,{e‘},§,§§§,§‘i,$‘;,,‘§‘ upon the high seas or elsewhere outside of a judicial district shall be coinizable in the district where the offender is found or into which he _ _ is rst brought; but offenses hereunder committed within the Philip- 1** "‘° P"”‘P*”“°’· pine Islands shall be cognizable in any court of said islands having original jurisdiction of criminal cases, with the same right of appea as is given in other criminal cases where imprisonment exceeding one year orms a part of the penalty; and jurisdiction is hereby conferred upon such courts for such purpose. Approved, March 3, 1911. ` CHAP. .-- Actllaki vappropriations rthe entofin 'dando K°*°h imigensions o??i; Uninted Statw fx thliapiisgal year efriding £rn)gnthirtieth,v1ii.iiieteen lids; red and twelve, and for other purposes. [Public. No- 471-] Be it enacted by the Senate and House ry" Representatives of the United States of Amerika in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, m1;;¤;¤¤¤¤ ¤m>r¤1>¤- and the same are hereby, appropriated, out of any money in the ` Treas not otherwise appropriated, for the payment of ensions for thhlxcal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and) twelve, and for other purposes, namely: For Army and Navy pensions, as follows: For invalids, widows, _,,f:_{°”‘*· °'·°~· P°¤· minor children, and dependent relatives, Army nurses, and all other pensioners who are now borne on the rolls, or who may hereafter e placed thereon, under the provisions of any and all Acts of Congress, one hundred and fifty-three million ollarsz Provided, That mgnsionn the appropriation aforesaid for Navy pensions hall be paid from ` the income of the Navy pension fund, so far as the same shall be sufficient for that urpose: Provided further, That the amount A°°°““'·*’· expended under eacli) of the above items shall be accounted for separately. _ _ For fees and expenses of examining surgeons, pensions, for services ',§f,‘g‘jf"“'“€’“’g°°“’· rendered within the fiscal year nineteen hundred and twelve, two hundred thousand dollars. For salaries of agents for the payment of pensions, at four thou- ·*¥°“”'S“‘°’*°S· sand dollars each, seventy-two thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. For clerk hire, and other services, pension agencies, three hundred °*°‘k m'°· and eighty-five thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary: Promkled, That the amount of clerk hire, and other services, §;‘;;",£;,, of Sm and the salaries paid shall be subject to the approval of the Secre— wry- taiiy of the Interior. d uor stationery and other necessary expenses, twenty-five thousand s‘““°“""'· o ars. The Commissioner of Pensions is directed to formulate and embrace c,§,},’,§_P“"’“‘g “°` in his next annual report a simplified plan for the payment of pensions Plan zobmponed.