SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 231. 1911. 1133 fifth circuit, in New Orleans, Atlanta, Fort Worth, and Mont omery; in the sixth circuit, in Cincinnati; in the seventh circuit, in Chicago; in the eighth circuit, in Saint Louis, Denver or Cheyenne, and Saint Paul; the ninth circuit, in San Francisco, and each year in two other places in said circuit to be designated by the judges of said court; and m each of the above circuits, terms may be held at such other times and in such other places as said courts, res ctivel , may from time to time desiignate: rovided, That terms shalilibe helbd in Atlanta ted t on the first Mon ay in October, in Fort Worth on the first Monday in mm °m°' ~ November, in Montgomery on the third Monday in October, in Den- _ ver or in Che enne on the first Monda in Se tember, and in Saint _ Paul on the first Monday in May. All appeals, writs of error, and G§,§,§,§?°·§,§§§“,,§§ other appellate proceedings whic may be taken or rosecuted from At;*>?¤gg· M8 756 the district courts of the United States in the State oi,Georgia, in the 784.0. ’ pp` ’ State of Texas, and in the State of Alabama, to the circuit ·court of appeals for the fifth judicial circuit shall be heard and disposed of, respectively, by said court at the terms held in Atlanta, in Fort Worth, and in Montgomery, exec t that appeals or writs of error in cases of injunctions and in all otli)er cases which, under the statutes and rules, or in the opinion of the court, are entitled to be brought to a speedy hearing maly be heard and disposed of wherever said court may be sitting. A appeals, writs of errors, and other appellate pro- t»§:m1>¤¤1¤ frglg co? ceedings which may hereafter be taken or prosecuted from the dis- §ewOl;l:g1lisi °x" trict court of the United States at Beaumont, Texas, to the circuit v°'·““· *’·‘“· court of appeals for the fifth circuit, shall be heard and disposed of by the said circuit court of appeals at the terms of court held at New Orleans: Provided, That nothing herein shall prevent the court from hearing a peals or writs of error wherever the said courts shall sit, in cases oi)1njunctions'and in all other cases which, under the statutes _ and the rules, or in the o inion of the court, are entitled to be brought to a speedy hearing. Ail appeals, writs of error, and other apfpellate m§1¤g;*é¤%¤u*g€D¢¤v¢* proceedings which mag be taken or prosecuted from the istrict vox. sg p. sab. courts of the United tates in the States of Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming, and the supreme court of the Territory of New Mexico to the circuit court of a peals for the eighth judicial circuit, shall be heard and disposed of hy said court at tile terms held either in Denver or in Cheyenne, except that any case arising in any of said States or Territory may, by consent of al the parties, be heard and disposed of at a term of said court other than the one held in Denver or Cheyenne. Sec. 127. The marshals for the several districts in which said circuit u§’§§{,Q,§§’,"g§§“ “‘ *’“‘* courts of ap eals may be held shall, under the direction of the Attor- \’·~1»26. p- 829 ney Generaii and with his a proval, provide such rooms in the ublic buildings of the United) States as may be necessary for the husiness of said courts, and pay all incidental exlpenses of said court, _ including criers, bailifi's,and messengers: Provide ,That incase proper f;"S€"·;°i,m.m,,,cd_ rooms can not be provided in such buildings, then the marshals, with the approval of the Attorney General, may, from time to time, lease such rooms as may be necessary for such courts. Sec. 128. The circuit courts of appeals shall exercise appellate {,*giSgg¤¤i¤g}i8 jurisdiction to review by appeal or writ of error final decisionsin ‘p` ` the .district courts, includ' the United States district court for Hawaii, in all cases othermtclian those in which appeals and writs of error may be taken direct to the Supreme Court, as provided in P"“· *’·“57· section two hundred and thirty-eight, unless otherwise provided by law; and, except as rovided in sections two hundred and thirtv- igmmiigami. nine and two hundred) and forty, the judgments and decrees of the pxiisiilrii. circuit courts of appeals shall be final in all cases in which the jurisdiction is dependent entirely upon the opposite parties to the suit or controversv bei aliens and citizens of the United States, or citizens of differentugtatesz also in all cases arising under the patent