1].70 SIXTY—FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ons. 236, 237. 1911. gggp .. ‘ ha l'ed lsbo d ii"? %¤%if .. meme` if-3Yi..’§.£$§..ti;..‘2.€.‘H§’ €fQ.£}°.$.§fk°?.§'“.11‘ti‘2."§°‘l“i.. DEE?. ‘Z‘$E’.£¤‘0r th. tits [1>ouuo,No.4ve.] Fourche irrigation projec _ Be it enacted tire Senate and House of Repr·es$~lntatv}ves the Unttled g,§§,'},°P,*Q,‘;§‘;_h° ‘""° States of America m Oengress assembled, That a_ pxersons aving s_] P¢¤·¤¤¤¤ ¤¤r1>lvi¤s plied labor and materials for the xprosecution of the work ot making xntlllisiiiigiuiiiiii the main canal of the Belle Fourc e 1rr1gation prcwzct under the con- _ ”¥“*”" °°“""°“""· tract for the construction thereof, entered into by 1dell-Finley (,om— pany, under daite of Aprilt t;ventygrxth,tninFt:ri<*=.;1‘i8(l1u];_1dlr§ga agidmiilyg, rsnant to a vertisemen or said con rac 6 _ » 1Ii;1eteen hundred and five, and their assigns arid legial representatives, are hereby gives the fullggightsl and remedies aior idlito peiams sup;} 1 labor an mater` IH e prosecn ion o pu c wor · as se $§}·§·l’·§§_· Eyitlign the Act of August thirteenth, eighteen hundredand iunety- ` 'pi four, entitled “An Act for the protection of persons furnishing materials and labor for the constructmn of public works,” to the sanre force, extent, and effect as if the Act had not been amended, modified, or repealed, with full right of action in the name of the United States for - his or their use and Seneiit against said contractors and sureties I.-$0D mpenne to the bond furnished to the United States under the said contract: _ ro- ”¤“°° S°°‘°’· vided, That such action and its prosecution shall mvolve the United States in no expense. Approved, March 4, 1911. Msmh 1911- GBA?. .-Ana Mak:mg’ 'tio Ioth1'lati , ti , d r¤-sim-1 a§§..Z..f.las§vmt.§..T%’l?.’§’&'$“s.c2¤°y.§ss.fdi.i°€iun6”t@§FlZ ..`jG2.&“§.. [Public, No.4Tl.] un an twe ve, an or o er purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representat*i*ves_0f the United Lesisiwvv <==¤¤¤· States ¢y’ America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, tive, and judicial ap- . . pmpmuom. and the same are hereby, appropriated, out of any money m the Treasury not gsheirvnse apéiropgiated, compensa!t;1ond1t;>5 the service of the ca year en in une t 1et nineteen un an twelve for the ob'ects hereina§ter ex ressed, iiamel : J P I y Leslslsuve. LEGISLATIVE. ¤¤¤¤¢¤- snnxrn. PW ¤¥ S°¤**°¤- For compensation of Senators, six hundred and ninety thousand dollars. °m°°‘°‘ For mileage of Senators, forty-seven thousand dollars. om¤e¤,o1er¤,ezo. For compensation of the officers, clerks, messengers, and others in the service of the Senate, namely: _ vice remnant-; Orrrcn or THE Vron Punsmmrr: Secretary to the V 1ce President °m°°‘ four thousand dollars; messenger, one thousand four hundred and {city dolklars; telegr§phdo·p:>iriiitcii·, one tholiisand firgcilhundiéiacllidolllars; e e ap age six un e dollars· in a seven thousand ve undren? and fi)>rty,dollars. , , 0¤¤r1¤i¤- Cnarnamz For Chaplain of the Senate, one thousand two hundred dollars. Secret"! M we Orrrcn or Sncnnrsnrz Secretary of the Senate, includin com en- Sf°?°’ ¢°°°m°° °' sation as disbmsing oilioer of salaries of Senators and of the gontingent C G! S, 8 C. fund of the Senate, six thousand five hundred dollars; hire of horse and wagon for the Secretary’s office, four hundred and twenty dollars; assistant secretary, Henry M. Rose, five thousand dollars; chief clerk, three thousand two hundred and fifty dollars; iinancial clerk, three thousand dollars, and one thousand two hundred and fifty dollars additional while the office is held by the present incumbent; minute