Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1249

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sixTY.F1Rs"r ooNGREss. sm. III. GH. 237. 1911. 1225 two assistant attorneys, at two thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars each; five assistant attorneys, at two thousand five hundred dollars each; assistant attorney, two thousand four hundred dollars; two assistant attorneys, at two thousand dollarseach; attorney in charge of titles, three thousand five hundred dollars; assistant examrner of titles, two thousand dollars; chief clerk and ex officio su ermtendent of the buildinmgs, three thousand dollars; siéperintendiant of buildings, five hundredollars; private secretary; an assistant to the Attorney General, three thousand dollars; cler to the Attorney °‘°'*’·°*°— General, one thousand six hundred dollars; steno rapher to the Solicitor General, one thousand six hundred dollars; tlrree law clerks, at two thousand doHars each; two law clerks of class four; clerk in oflice of the Solicitor of Internal Revenue, one thousand eight hundred dollars; attorney in charge of pardons, three thousand dollars: superintendent of prisons, four thousand dollars; disbursing clerk, two thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars; appointment clerk, two thousand dollars; chief of Division of Investigation, three thousand five hundred dollars; three examiners, at two thousand five E”¤’*¤°*°· °*°· hundred dollars each; four examiners, at two thousand two hundred and Efty dollars each; two examiners, at two thousand dollars each; · three examiners, at one thousand eiglht hundred dollars each; librarian, one thousand eight hundred do lars; eight clerks of class four; twelve clerks of class three; seven clerks of class two; sixteen clerks of class one; fifteen clerks, at one thousand dollars each; twenty-two clerks, at nine hundred dollars each; chief messenger, one thousand mg1°’g‘gc¤¢°¤· '*°°'*· dollars• acker, nine hundred dollars; messenger, nine hundred and ` - sixty dollars; five messengers; thirteen assistant messengers; seven laborers; seven watchmen; engineer, one thousand two hundred dollars; two assistant engineers, at nine hundred dollars each; four firemen; two conductors of the elevator, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; head charwoman, four hundred and egghfiy dollars; ` twenty-two charwomen. Division of Accounts: Chie 0 Division ·*¤¤¤¤¤*·¤ ¤i*'*¤*¤¤· of Accounts, two thousand Eve hundred dollars; chief bookkeeper and record clerk, two thousand dollars; three clerks of class four; four clerks of class three; six clerks of class two ; five clerks of class one; two clerks, at nine hundred dollars each; rn all, four hundred and nineteen thousand and ten dollars. Co ,QoN·rrNen1~xT rzxrmwsns, DEPARTMENT or- Jusrrcnz For furniture “““‘°"‘°"°”"'· and repairs, including carpets, Ele holders, and cases, four thousand iiie hundred dollars. For books for law library of the dgpartment, three thousand dollars. For purchase of session laws an statutes of the States and Territories for library of dgpartment, five hundred dollars. For books for office o Solicitor of the Department of Commerce and Labor, three hundred dollars. For stationery for department and its several bureaus, six thousand five hundred dollars. _ _ For miscellaneous expgnditures, including telegraphmg, fuel, lights, foreign postage, la r, repairs of buildings, care of grounds, books of reference, periodicals typewriters and adding machines and exchange of same, and other necessaries, directly ordered by the Attorney General, twenty-five thousand dollars. For official transportation, mcluding purchase and exchange, keep, and shoeirtg of animals, and purchase, exchange, and repairs of w¥ons an harness, two thousand five hundred dollars. or the rent of buildings and parts of buildings in the District of B°“‘· Columbia used by the Department of Justice, twenty-six thousand seven hundred dollars. , Or··r·ros or Tun Soucrron or mn Truaasunrs Solicitor of the ·§,§’,¥,‘§.f§§’,,‘§,,§’_‘,,$ Treasury, Eve thousand dollars; Assistant Solicitor, three thousand