S1XTY-F1RST CONGRESS. Sess. III. GH. 237. 1911. 1233 Crncurr oourvrsz Thirt , four circuit judges, at seven thousand §**g“'*m*°¤· dollars each (including _ ges desi ated for Commerce Court); D gm' ` nine clerks of circuit cou of appeal; at three thousand five hundred dollars each; messenger, to act as librarian and crier, circuit court of apgeals, eighth circuit,.three thousand dollars; in all, two hundred an seventy-two thousand five hundred dollars. Drsrmcr oomrrs: Ninety-one district judges, at six thousand D‘“"°‘l“"=°S~ dollars each, five hundred and fortiyisix thousand dollars. Drsrnrcr corner, Tmmrromr or wAr1: "Two judges, at six thou- ,,0§,*g"“‘* °***"*°‘ sand dollars each; clerk, three thousand dollars; reporter, one thou- ` sand two hundred dollars; sixteen thousand two hundred dollars. linrmmn Junens: To pay the salaries of the United States judges §°§"§w¥*;*}§*‘=*- ,35 retired under section seven hundred and fourteen of the Revised AiuéIp.iw1?p' . Statutes, so much as may be necessary for the fiscal year endin June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and twelve, is hereb appropriatedgl Comer or APPEALS, Drsmror or COLUMBIA2 Chieill justice, seven D,‘j*ggf,} °,°(§°,g{*nP,§g;‘§· thousand five hundred dollars; two associate justices, at seven thousand dollars each; clerk, three thousand two hundred and fifty dollars, and two hundred and fifty dollars additional as custodian of the Court of Appeals building; assistant or deputy clerk, two thousand two hundre and fifty dollars; reporter, one thousand five hundred dollars: Prwidrigl, That the reports issued by him shall not be sold f_;‘;§fg for more than ve dollars per volume; crier, who shall also act as ` stenographer and typewriter in the clerk’s office when not engaged in court room, one thousand dollars; three messengers, at seven hun-· dred and twenty dollars each; necessary expenditures in the conduct of the clerk’s office, one thousand dollars; three stenographers, one for the chief (justice and one for each associate justice, at one thousand two hundre dollars each; in all, thousand five hundred and ten dollars, one half of which shall paid from the revenues of the District of Columbia. SUPREME counr, Drsrnrcr or. C0LuMmA: Chief justice and five m§*g§’;}°gj',$uQ_?‘g{jyD‘* associate judges, at six thousand dollars each; six stenographers one for the chief justice and one for each associate justice, at nine hundred dollars each; in all, forty-one thousand four hundred dollars, one-half of which shall be paid from the revenues of the District of Columbia. Cnnnx or nrsrmcr courrr, Norrrnnnn nrsrmcr or ILLINOIS2 For m"f‘g{j·,}_}{f¤°**"”*“‘ clerk of the district court for the northern district of Illinois, author- v¤¤.2».p.w4. . ized by the Act of July thirty-first, eighteen hundred and ninety-four, three thousand dollars. SrsNooRAP1-mn or msrnrcr oounr, EASTERN DISTRICT or Ir.r,n~z01s: mf§m,Q§;y,y'é§;;Hc{f"· The present `udge of the district court for the eastern district of Illinois is authorized to a point a stenographer, at the rate of seven hundred and twenty dollrxlmrs per annum, notwithstanding the pro- V I 24 visions of section seven of the Act, approved March third, eighteen °' ‘p‘°°`”‘ hundred and eighty-seven, Statutes at Large, volume twenty-four, page five hundred and fifty-five. _ _ _ OMMISSIONEB,YELLOWSTONE PARK: Comm1ssionermYel1owstone §ggQ;§;;;>g:e§¤’k- National Park, one thousand five hundred dollars. And the provisions of section twenty-one of the legislative, executive, and judicial appropriation Act approved May twenty-eighth, eighteen hundred vm. 29, p. isi and ninety-six, shall not be construed as impairing the right of said commissioner to receive said salary as herein provided. _ _ Booxs Fon LIBRARIES or orncurr comrrs or APPEALS: For the c0I_;,;Y°‘;9:,f-;é_§;f°“‘ purchase of law books and rebinding law books for the nine libraries of the United States circuit courts of appeals, to be expended under the direction of the Attorney General upon the requisition of the court (all books purchased hereunder to be lainlv marked "The property of the United States"), nine thousamlhive hundred dollars.