1272 SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 239. 1911. Nmd Mmm Ammve Aim Equirrmo NAVAL LIILITIAZ For arms, accouterments ammunition, medical outfits, fuel, water for steaming yiurposes, and clothing,·and the printing or purchase of necessary boo s of instruc- · • tion, expenses in, connection with the organizing and training of the
- Naval Militia of the various States, Territories, and the District of
Columbia, under such regulations as the Secretary of the Naigiy m_ay prescribe, including salaries of the necessary clerical force an office expenses in the Navy Department, at Washington, District_of Colum- P~·¤¤·¤· bia, one hundred and twenty-Eve thousand dollars: Provided, That Ddeplilrgriigtiteeduthbil- immediate] upon° the approval of this Act the necessary employees in md the Navy lgrepartment, at Washington, District of Columbia, may be · a pointed, and their salaries and office expenses for the remainder of tllie fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eleven, paid from the unexpended balance of appropriations heretofore made for "Arming and equipping Naval Mil1t1a." _ _ Detr¤i¤,Mi<=1¤. That the Secretary of the Navy be, and he is hereby, authorized to ¤eIxi°€`$1a° e?>°ri}i°°sl°'§i loan, at his discretion, to the city of Detroit, Michigan, for exhibition “”°"°“‘” in the Detroit Museum of Art, the silver service presented to the ` PWM- United States ship Detroit by the city of Detroit: Promded, _That R°mm’°°°’ . should another vemel be hereafter named after the citlyg of Detroit the said silver service shall be returned by the city of etroit to such N¤¤¤P¢¤¤-B- vessel: And provided further, That no expense shall be caused the United States Government by the delivery of the said service, the same to be delivered at such time and under such conditions as may be cm upon between the Secretary of the-Navy and A. H. Griffith, . ·· the for of the Detroit Museum of Art. “°P•*"· Rnrxms, BUnr:AU or Onnxarrcm: For necessary repairs to ordnance buildings, magazines, wharves, machinery, and other items of like character, thirty thousand dollars. 0¤¤¤¤s¤¤¢· C0N·r1Ne.nN·r, BUREAU or ORDNANGE: For miscellaneous items, namely: Cartage, expenses of light and water at magazines and stations, tolls, ferria}ge, teclmical books, and incidental expenses attendiingl inspection o ordnance material, nine thousand Eve hundred o ars. mcB;*{°¤° °* ·”*1¤*P· BUREAU or nquiriumrr. _°§¤*P¤°¤* °* vw Eqmrumrr or vzssmns: For hemp, wire, iron, and other materials for the manufacture of cordage, anc ors, cables, galleys, and cliains; specifications for purchase thereof shall be so prepared as shalhgive
- ’ fair and free competition; canvas for the manufacture of sails, awn-
- ings, hammocks, and other work; stationery for chaplains anii for = commandinv and navigating officers of ships, e uipment officers on ' : shore and ailoat, and for the use of courts-martidl on board shipi the = removal and transportation of ashes from ships of war; interior appli- { ._ ances and tools for equipment buildings in navy yards and naval sta- · ’ tions; supplies for seamen's zuarters; and for the urchase of all other artic es of equipment at ome and abroad, and fiir the payment of labor in equipping vessels and manufacture of equi ment articles in the severa navy yards; all pilotage and towage ofp ships of war; canal tolls, wharfage, dock and port charges, and other necessary incidental expenses of a similar nature; services and materials in repairing, correcting, adjusting, and testing compasses on shore and on board ship; nautical and astronomical instruments and repairs to same; libraries for ships of war, professional books and pa rs, and drawings and engravi for signal books; naval signals andtpparatus, namely, signals, lggilts, lanterns, rockets, and hts; compass fittings, including binnacles, tripods, and other appeddages of SIIIPS, compasses; logs and other appliances for measuring the ship’s way, and lea s and other appliances or sounding; lanterns and lamps an their appendages for general use on board ship for illuminating