SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 285. 1911. 1395 or_black death, to use the unexpended balance of the sums appro- _]§$,l$f‘§$’§‘-f‘““bl°‘ priated and reappropriated by the sundry civil appropriation Act approved June twenty-fifth,_nineteen hundred and ten, or so much t ereof as may be necessary, in aid of State and local boards, or otherwise, in his discretion, in preventing and su&pressing the s read of the - same, including pay and allowances of all 0 cers and emplliyees of the Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service assigned to duty in preventing and suppressing the spread of the same, and in such emergency in the execution of any quarantine laws which may be then in force. msrmorr or commma. I”•**"°’°*°°*°¤*‘*’*· Leave of absence, with ay, of members of the nre de artment df the “";d°P°”'m°“*· District of Columbia, mai)y be extended in cases of illness or injury oi siili;Pg:1i: » incurred in line of duty upon recommendation of the board of sur- ""’ °“ dm" geons approved by the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, for a {Epic not exceeding thirty days in anly one calendar year. e board of education is hereby authorized until the close of the §_$g’:{§t;°“§?.*¤ébm_ fiscal year nineteen hundred and twelve, in the event of the absence of any re larly employed teacher, to employ a‘substitute teacher from an eIigible list to be ayéproved by said board, and to pay said P"Y“‘°"‘· substitute teacher one-half 0 the basic salary provided for the class in which em loyed for periods not exceeding thirt . calendar days, _ and the full liasrc salary for riods in excess thereof}; Provided, That f,';';; .1,,,,,,, · leave of absence of any mgiggrly employed teacher shall not exceed ¢¤¤¤¤¤¤ thirty calendar da in any one school year, and for this period such _ teacher who may E absent shall be paid, in case the absence is due m{’g,""°"‘ ‘° '“"'“‘ to personal illness, death in family, or quarantine on account of contagious disease, the salary of the position, lem the amormt paid to thesubstitute teacher, and any absence in excew of said thirty ays or absence for cause other than herein specified shall be without compensation: Promkied farther, That all other employees of the ,°gg;°{;*;Pjg{§¤¤*· board of education may, in the discretion of said board, be granted _ P"' not exceeding thirty days’ leave of absence with pay in any one calendar year,_and in the event of the absence of any janitor, assistant janitor, engineer, assistant engineer, or caretaker, at any time during school sessions the board of e ucation is hereby authorized to appoint a. substitute, who shall be paid the salary o the position in which employed, and the amount paid to such substitute shall be deducted from the salary of the absent employee. UNDER SMITHSON IAN INSTITUTION. tuigiétbwninn msu- International exchanges: FOP expenses of the system of interna- Intsrrwtionnl extional exchanges between the United States and foreign countries, °h“°“°”‘ under the direction of the Smithsonian Institution, including salaries or compensation of all necessary employees, and the upurchase of necessary books and periodicals, thirty-two thousand dollars. American ethnology: For continuing ethnological researches among A¤¤¤¤¢·¤¤ ¤¤¤¤¤1- the American Indians and the natives of Hawaii, includinglthe excava- on tion and preservation of archaeolo `c remains, under the direction of the Smithsonian Institution, incdirding salaries or compensation of all necessary employees and the purchase of necessary books and ` periodicals, including payment in advance for subscriptions, forty- two thousand dollars. _ International Catalogue of Scientinc Literature: For the coo era- ,,,;§'§§§’§§§‘,§§‘,‘,§¤Q"°L§'gj tion of the United States in the work of the International Catalbgue ¤¤¤¤¤- of Scientific Literature, including the pfeparation of a classified index catalogue of American scientific pu lications for incorporation in the International Catalogue, the expense of clerk hire, the purchase