SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 7. 1909. 119 tions for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and nine, and for other purposes, namely:
For traveling e enses of the President of the United States to *"°“*d‘?“*· continue availabldqduring the fiscal year nineteen hundred and ten, TmvehngexWnm` and to be expended in his discretion and accounted for on his certificate solely, twenty-five thousand dollars. _ r For additional amount for the additional accommodations to the ,Ii§$$t‘}2X°£,m§§;;d- building erected for the offices of the President, and for each and mgevery urpose connected therewith, including heating apparatus and light iiirtures, and furniture, all to be done according to plans, the details of which shall be approved b the President, and completed in every respect within the sums hereby and heretofore appropriated, thirteen thousand five hundred dollars, to be expended by contract » or otherwise, in the discretion and under the direction of the Presiderét, to continue available d11ring the fiscal year nineteen hrmdred an ten. To enable the President to secure information and to assist the .,,,’$,‘Z,'Q,‘, “f§‘,€§l‘°“ °° officers of the Government in the administration of the customs laws, tijgcggng i¤f°¤'¤*¤= as provided in section two of the tariff bill, relating to the maximum Aiiu. ri. sz. and minimmn rates, seventy-five thousand dollars, to continue avail- · able during the Bscal year nineteen hundred and ten. And a detailed S°°°°m°'"‘ statement of all expenditures under this provision shall be made to Congress at its next regular session. DEPARTMENT OF STATE. S,},§§_*’“"‘“*‘°“* °‘ Foreign trade and treaty relations: For defraying the necessa t,&‘Q?{€l`,,ti'.§"}? 'md expenses incurr·ed in connection with foreign trade relations whiclh E¤P¢¤¤€¤· come within the jurisdiction of the Department of State, under tariif legislation and otherwise, and in the netgotiation and preparation of treaties, arrangpments, and agreements or the advancement of commercial and other interests of the United States, and for the mainte- ,,,,'m',$,*§_°‘ "" °"S*` nance of a division of far eastern affairs in the Department of State, including the ayment of necessary employees, at the seat of government or elsewlnere, to be selected, and their comgsnsation fixed, by the Secretary of State and to be expended under is direction, fiscal Dmued Mmmm year nineteen hundred and ten, one hundred thousand dollars. A ofexpcnditureaetc. detailed statement showing exlpenditures, including salaries or rates of compensation aid, under t is appropriation shall be reported to Congress by the Secretary of State on the first day of eac regular _ session; and estimates for further appropriations hereunder shall E”*‘“‘“*‘·`8· include in detail salaries for all persons to be emfployed and paid in the Delpartment of State at Washin ton, District o Columbia. m€mm0nm.nm — or defra `n the expenses oig the next meeting of the International rot- Ifrotection or ro- Union for thd Protection of Industrial Property, to be held at lVash— °‘§§',§§{,,l@°’§{°§};ee,, ington, District of Columbia, in May, nineteen hundred and ten, ten insthousand dollars. _ rnmsunr DEPARTMENT. ...Z§$f”""' "°*‘“"‘ To enable the Secretary of the Treasury to pay rent for vault space REC';} §§§;.§_”°" °‘"` in the Union Trust Building, Washington, District of Columbia, for S*°¤*g°· the safe-keeping of emergenc currency notes prepared under the provisions of "An Act to amend, the national banking laws," approved V°*· *’·5· P- 559 May thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eight, and for incidental expenses connected therewith, four thousand six hundred and thirty ollars and seventy cents. _ For balance of salary of the Treasurer of the United States as ro- '§_’$:j;}'°’· vided by law, from March fourth, nineteen hundred and nine, to dime vo1.:¤§.p.1u¢.¤.