SIXTY·FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 285. 1911. 1449 sanitary condition of building; l` ht, heat, and power; stationery and office plrinting including laiilis, price lists, and bibliographies, forty-two thousand dollars; for catalogues and indexes, not exceeding sixteen thousand dollars; for binding reserve remainders, and for suplplying books to depository libraries, ninety-seven thousand dollars; in all, one hundred and fifty-five thousand dollars. THE ISTHMIAN CANAL. *·"=¤·*····°·¤·*· To continue the construction of the Isthmian Canal, to be expended $‘f,’f'°8'§'°§‘Q‘§,;,_ under the direction of the President, in accordance with an Act ` entitled "An Act to provide for the construction of a canal connecting the waters of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, " approved June twenty- ` eighth, nineteen hundred and two, and Acts amendatory thereof or supplementary thereto: · ust. For salaries of officers and employees of the Isthmian Canal §{§{.},,f,’°{'{‘,m,*§f,*,‘{;}·d Commissionyincluding assistant purchasing and shipping agents, and Stews. all other em loyees in the United States, one hundred and thirty thousand dollars. Second. For incidental expenses, including rents, cable and tele- I“°*‘*°”°“*°‘P°”*°'· graph service, supplies, statione and printing, and actual necessary traveling expenses in the Unitedrgtates (including rent of the Panama R°“‘· °‘°· Canal building in the District of Columbia, seven thousand five hundred dollars, textbooks and books of reference, one thousand dollars, and additional compensation to the Auditor for the War Department for extra services m auditing accounts of the Isthmian Canal, one thousand dollars), fifty thousand dollars. ` Third. For pay of members of the commission and officers and em- d€°‘§'QZI§§§?s?“‘ °°°;° ployees on the Isthmus, other than skilled and unskilledlabor, includ- er§:>,;,{’g§1‘;)'=i*,};}¥°g<g:; 1ng civil engineers, superintendents, instrumentmen, transitmen, uieisamus. levelmen, rodmen, draftsmen, timekeepers, mechanical and electrical engineers, quartermasters, clerks, accountants, stenographers, storekeepers, messengers, office boys, foremen and subforemen, wa on masters,watchmen, and stewards, mcluding those temporarily deta5ed for duty away from the Isthmus, in the departments of construction and engineering, quartermaster’s, subsistence, disbursements and examination of accounts, three million nine hundred thousand dollars: Provided, That not more than five thousand dollars of this appropria- {Q',$'@’¥;_,,,,cm,y tion shall be paid as compensation to the secretary of the commission. ` Fourth. For skilled and unskilled labor on the Isthmus, including ‘·“"“’· engineers, concluctors, iiremcn, brakemen, electricians, teamsters, cranesmen, machinists, blacksmiths, and other artisans, and their helpers; janitors, sailors, cooks, waiters, and dairymen, for the departments of construction and engineering, quartermastefs, subsistence, disbursements and examination of accounts, sixteen million five hundred thousand dollars. Fifth. For purchase and delivery of material, sutpplies, and equip- ,.,,§P_'§R$"° °' mr ment, including cost of inspecting material and o paying traveling expenses incident thereto, whether on the Isthmus or elsewhere, and such other expenses not in the United States as the commission deems necessary to best promote the construction of the Isthmian Canal, for the departments of construction and engineering, quartermaster's, subsistence, disbursements and examination of accounts, nineteen million dollars. _ Sixth. For miscellaneous expenditures, cable and telegraph service, M“°°"°°°°““' stationery and printing, local railway transportation, special trains, including pay-train service; transportation of currency to the Isthmus, recruiting and transporting laborers, transporting employees from the United States, repati iating laborers and employees, actual necessary traveling expenses while on the Isthmus on official business;