SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 8. 1909. 131 weft thereof in a square of six millimeters. Wa is the total number of threads which lie longitudinally in a textile, whether they form the foundation thereof or have been added thereto. Weft shall be considered the total number of threads which cross the warp, whether from selvage to selvage or not. To determine· the number of threads in a textile, and the proportion thereof subject to the highest rate of dut , a "thread counter ’ shall be used. Should a textile be more closely woven in some parts than in others, the number of threads in the most closely woven art and in the most loosely woven part of the body of the textile shrill be ascertained, and the average number of threads resulting shall serve as the basis for levgin duty. Threads s allgbe counted on the finished side of the textile, if the nature thereof permits; otherwise, on the reverse side. If necessary, to ascertain the number of threads, the nap shall be removed or a sufficient part of the textile unraveled. Should this be impossible without damaging a made-up article, the “°°°·“P "“°*°¤- . textile shall be subject- to the highest rate o duty applicable, in the group to which it belongs, and if the textile be mixed, it shall be dutiable at the rate applica le to the most highly taxed component material in the exterior of the article. RULE 2. ·SunrAxns: (a) How com>u·rnn.-—·The surtaxes appli- 2‘g{,T‘{,f,°,,‘{,,,,,,_ cable on account of broché, metal threads, embroidery, trimming, or making-up shall be computed on the primary duties leviable on the textile, including therewith the increase of such duties in case, and on account, of admixture. (b) Ox ooons nvnnm an v.inoxmr.—Articles of any character, M "“'°""“°*’“°’°¤ dutiable at an ad valorem rate, shall not be subject to any of the surtaxes provided herein, unless the application of such surtaxes to said ad valorem rate is specifically provided for in this Act. _ Runs 3. Anmxrunns or Two MATERIALS.·*T6Xtll6S composed of ¥f,,‘§,°‘,},§‘§§§§§§§g two materials shall be dutiable as follows: ‘ (a) Cotton textiles containing threads of other vegetable fibers, °°"°“·°'°· and in which the total number of such threads, counted in the w and weft, does not exceed one-fifth of the total number of threylg composing the textile, shall be dutiable under the corresponding paggiraphs of Class V, with a surtax of fifteen per centum. en the number of threads of other vegeta le fibers exceeds onefifth of the total, the textile shall be dutiab e under the corresponding paragraph of Class VI. Cotton textiles containing threads of wool, hair, or wastes of these materials, and in which the total number of such threads, counted in the warp and weft, does not exceed one·fifth of the total number of threads composing the textile, shall be dutiable under the correspondin%`paragraphs of Class V, with a surtax of thirty-five per centum. hen the number of threads of wool, hair, or their wastes exceeds one-fifth of the total, the textile shall be dutiable under the corresponding paragraph of Class VII. Cotton text es containing threads of silk, and in which the total number of such threads, counted in the waiép and weft, does not exceed one-fifth of the total number of threa s comppsing) the textile, shall be dutiable under the corresponding paragrap of lass V, with a surtax of seventy per centum. When the num er of threads of silk exceeds one-Efth of the total, the textile shall be dutiable under the corresponding paragraph of Class VIII. The provisions of this rule shall not applly to pile fabrics, knitted or netted stuffs, tulles, laces, or blondes (R e Six), or to ribbons, galloons, braids, tape, or trimmings (Rule Seven). _ _ (b) Textiles o vegetable fibers (except cotton) contaimng threads m,°;§’Q°" '°“°°°bl° of wool, hair, or their ·wastes, and in which the number of such