'SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 8. 1909. 135 (e) Wherever it is provided in this Act that articles, goods, wares, G'°“ W°i¥h*· °‘°- or merchandise shall be dutiable by "gross weight," the dutiable weight thereof shall be held to be the weight of same, together with the weight of all containers, packages, holgers, and packing, of whatsoever ind or character, inwhich said articles, goods, wares, and merchandise are contained, held, or packed at the time of importation. (f) Articles, goods, wares, or merchandise aiiixed to cardboard, cards, paper, wood, or similar common material shall be dutiable together with the weight of such packing. i (g) The usual tapes, boards, and immediate wrapping shall be considered as a part of the dutiable weight of textiles. (h) No duties shall be assessed on account of the usual coverings Usnnlcoverinzsor holdings of articles, goods, wares, or merchandise dutiable otherwise than ad valorem, nor those free of duty, except as in this Act expressly provided, but if there be used for covering or holdin imported articles, goods, wares, or merchandise, whether dutiabde or ree, any unusua article, form, or material adapted for use otherwise than in the bona fide transportation of such articles, goods, wares, or merchandise to the Philippine Islands, duty shall be levied and collected on such covering or holding in accordance with the correspondinglparagraphs of this Act. (i) W enever the interior container or packing of any article Unusual coverings dutiable by weight is of an unusual character, including silk—lined cases, cases of fine wood, silk, leather, or imitations thereof, such as are used to contain jewelry, plate, trinkets, and the like, such containers or packing shall be.dutiable at the rate applicable to the component material of chief value. _ (j) When a single package contains imported merchandise dutiable E‘*’°“°‘ ’°°°P“°‘°“· ` according to different weights, or weight and ad valorem, the common exterior receptacle shall be prorated and the different pigolportions thereof treated in accordance with the provisions of this e as to the dutiability or nondutiability of such packing. (k) Where articles, goods, wares, or merchandise dutiable by w$,§’{‘g§*;‘§s‘§]‘{}{”;,°‘° weight, and not otherwise specially provided for, are customarily ' contained in packing, packages, or receptacles of uniform or similar character, it shall be the duty of the insular collector of customs, from time to time, to ascertain by tests the actual weight or quantity of such articles, goods, wares, or merchandise, and the actua weight of the packages, packing, or receptacles thereof, respectively, in which the same are customarily imported, and upon such ascertainment, to prescribe rules for estimating the dutiable weight or quantity thereof, and thereafter such articles, goods, wares, or merchandise imported in such customary packing, packages, or receptacles shall be entered, and the duties thereon levied and, collected, upon the basis of such Primo estimated dutiable weight or Euantity: Provided, That if the im- oujemims. porter, consignee, or agent sha be dissatisfied with such estimated dutiable weight or quantity, and shall file with the coHector of customs priou-to the dehvery of the packages designated for examination a written specification of his objections thereto, or if the collector of customs shall have reason to doubt the exactness of the prescribed weight or quantity in any instance, it shall be his duty to cause such actual weights or quantities to be ascertained. rnonrnrrnn rivrronryrroxs. hi{)¤§5rw¤¤<>n¤ vrg Sec. 3. That importation or shipment into the Philippine Islands of the following articles is prohibited: (a) Dynamite, gunpowder, similar explosives, firearms and de- efi’fP'°°"°‘· °“"*“"“· tached parts therefor, except in accordance with enactment of the rxcepucn. Philip me legislature or when imported by, or for the use of, the United States or insular governments.