SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 8. 1909. 137 shall be made in Philippine currency or its equivalent in money of the United States of America. METRIC SYSTEM. Metric system. Sec. 7. That the metric system of weights and measures as author- g°§“§,;jdé569 35,0 ized by sections thirty-five hundred and sixty-nine and thirty-five p.v€>4[ ’'’‘ hundred and seventy of the Revised Statutes of the United States, and at present in use in the Philippine Islands, shall be continued. _ 'lflhe meter is equal to thirty-nine and thirty-seven one-hundredths mc es. The liter is equal to one and Eve hundred and sixty-seven tenthousandths quarts, wine measure. The kilogram is equal to two and two thousand and forty-six tenthousandths pounds, avoirdupois. urns or norms. Sec. 8. That the rates of duties to be collected on articles, goods, mm 0*1 i¤¤v<>¤¤· wares, or merchandise imported into the Philippine Islands, or going into said islands from the United States or any of its ossessions except as otherwise rovided in this Act, shall be as foHows: Pro- S‘°,§,‘§§’,‘,§°,‘§,,,,c,,,,_ .
That no article bearing evident signs of being for sanitary
constmction shall pay a higher rate of duty than twenty per centum ad valorem: And provided further, That no article shall pay a higher lolgfmum “" "“‘ rate of duty than one hundred il/ger centum ad valorem, except and 18?c¢1>¢i<>¤¤.1>r•-147. unless the same shall be class ed under aragraphs ninety, two '1°4'1°8' hundred and thirty-seven, two` hundred and fifty-seven, two hundred and fifty-eight, two hundred and §fty-nine, two hundred and sixty, two hundred and sixty-one or three hundred and one, in which event the rate of duty thereby resulting shall be collected, anything in this Act to the contrary notwithstanding: And provided éurther, That articles of foreign growth, produce, or manufacture s all be ,,,1§§l';?°"°° ‘°'°i“" dutiable upon each importation, even though previousl exported from the P ilippine Islands, except as otherwise specifically provided in this Act. Cmss I.-SToNr:s, mums, GLASS, AND CERAMIC 1>1z0DUcTs. ztoueglgtfgtlisgglnzz BD CGPKIII cp UC Gaour 1.—S·roNns Ann naarns. Sm§_*§,§gg;mhS_ 1. Marble, oqyx, jas er, alabaster, and similar iine stones: (a) n bloclir, rough or squared only, and marble dust, twenty per centum ad valorem. (b) In slabs, plates, or steps, sawed or chiseled, polished or not, but without ornamentation, thirty per centum ad valorem. (c) Any of these stones, lettered, further manufactured or decorated, not otherwise provided for, forty per centum ad valorem. 2. Stones, other, natural or artificial, gross weight: (a) In block, rough or squared only, one hundred kilos., ten cents. (b) Crushed, sawn, hewn, or dressed, whether polished or not, or if in slabs, plates, or steps, one hundred kilos., fifty cents. (c) Manufactured into articles not otherwise provided for, one hundred kilos., one dollar. 3. Millstones, grindstones, whetstones, oilstones and hones, of all kinds, an emery, carbornmdum, and similar wheels for sharpening, dressing, or polishing, including frames and mountings fo; aanly of the foregoing imported therewith, ten per centum a v orem.