SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHS. 11, 12. 1909. 18]. CHAP. 11.-—An Act To attach Ben Hill County to the Albany division of the Ausnsw.1909- southern district of Georgia. · [H· R· 1179'L] _ - [Public, N0. 10.] Be at enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the county of Ben ,,,§i‘;§’,§*§’,*,,§§§f‘h€¥“ Hill, in the State of Georgia, be attached to the Albany d1vision of B¤;¤dHi110<>¤¤}v,¤@- the southern district of Georgia. gig], t°Alb”°’ dm` Approved, August 5, 1909. U V°1‘34’P' 541 CHAP. 12.-An Act To amend an Act relative to the erection of a lock and dam August 5, 1909- in aid of navigation in the Tennessee River. [H· R· 1157**] [Public, No. 11. Be it enacted by the Senate and House ofRe£>resentatives of the United I States of America in Congress assembled, That the Act of Congress Tennessee River. entitled "An Act to enable the Secretary of Warto permit the erection iogiuiiuiliiiiiiidggrgsgi of a lock and darn in aid of navigation in the Tennessee River near “”$§f"3§“I§g$“3b'§°§0'g· Chattanooga, Tennessee, and for other purposes," approved April amended. ' twenty-sixth, nineteen hundred and four, and amended by an Act approved January seventh, nineteen hundred and five, be and the same is hereby amended as follows: Strike out in line four of section two of the Act of April twenty-sixth, nineteen hundred and four, after the word "Act," the following words: "And the same shall be completed within four years from the date of beginning the construction " and insert in place thereof the words: "And the same shall be completed within six years from the date of beginning the construction · oa witliin such time in excess thereof, as the Secretary of War may a ow. - Approved, August 5, 1909. ‘ 88740°-vol. 36, Pr 1-11-—-14