/ .2;*; ?>—-I 33; L ¥=}`;`§l£\/g` ’ I, A K ji; \*~i.i§_Zjf? ;_ ·’ ,• C S S PUBLIC ACTS OF THE SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS OF THE UNITED _STATES Passed at thejbrst sesswn, which was begun and held at the city of Washington, in the District of Oolumbia, on Monday, the _/ifteenth day of March, 1.90.9, and was aryourned without day on Thursday, thejljth day of August, 190.9. WILLIAM HOWARD TAF·r, President; JAMES SCHOOLCRAFT SHERMAN, Vice-President; WILLIAM Pmacn Farm, President of the Senate pro tempore; J osmrn Gunnar CANN0N, Speaker of the House of Representatives. _ CHAP. 1.-An Act Making appropriations for expenses of the Thirteenth Decen— j nial Census, and for other pm•poses. Be it enacted by the Senate and ‘House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That there is hereby appro- §*;;fr*gg$§{:t§g:¤gg·r printed, out of any money in thelreasury not otherwise ap;§·opr1ated, expenses or. or salaries and necessary expe&es for preparing for, ta ing, compiling, and publishing the Thirteenth Census of the United States, rent Mfmof office quarters, for carrying ontduring the decennial census period , all other census work authorized and directed by law, including purchase, rental, construction, repair, and exchange of mechanical alppli- _ ances, to continue available until June thirtieth, nineteen hundre and Ju·‘},§”,;Q,{”;*g{,${ ““‘“ twelve, ten million dollars. The Director of the Census is authorized to designate three commis- mg;8¤¤§g3¤¢¤<>¤ ¤f dx sioners, with the status of special agents, as provided by the perma- dean. °°°°°s nent census Act, to regresent the United States in the nternational In‘§§;‘,{,‘}§§¥,‘;‘}°"},0f,,€ Commission for the evision of the Classification of Diseases and r¤i¤¤i<>¤ nurhcuzed. Causes of Death, called by the Government of France to meet at Paris in July, nineteen hundre and nine, one of whom shall be chosen from the Census Office, one from the medical profession, and one from the organized registration officials of the United States. For the compen- Pay ew. sation and traveling expenses of said commissioners not exceeding two thousand five hundred dollars of the foregoing appropriation may be expended. Approved, June 29, 1909. CHAP. 2.-An Act To provide for the Thirteenth and subsequent decennial [I§l}i5’1i)?;?j mma U"frYn3nEf1~?éEfl Be it enacted by the Senate and House of R@resentati¤ves of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That a census of the population, }`,§g;@g§g¤lg¤ §$*%Si_ aggiculture, manufactures, and mines and quarries of the United States ins. · s ll be taken by the Director of the Census IH the year nineteen hundred and ten and every ten §ears thereafter. The census herein pro- '*`°””°'“*l °X*°¤*· vided for shall include each tate and Territory on the mainland of the lklinited States, the District of Columbia, and Alaska, Hawaii, and Porto co.