SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. 'Crrs. 65-67. 1910. 229 CHAP. 65.-An Act To authorize the Fort Smith and Van Buren district to F¢b¤¤¤·fS’ 26· 1910 construct a bridge across the Arkansas River at Van Buren, in the State of Arkansas. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of .Representatices of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Fort Smith and Van *,_‘&g§g‘g’,§_$;,}*,§f,*§;',,aD Buren district, a body politic and corporate created by act of the gen- Bqren district may eral assembly of Arkansas approved April tenth, nineteen hundred R?ilF°'°°v°° Bm"' and nine, to construct, maintain, and operate a bridge across the Arkansas River at Van Buren, Arkansas, and its successors and assigns, be, and is hereby, authorized to construct, maintain, and operate a bridge and approaches thereto across the Arkansas River between the cities of Fort Smith and Van Buren, at a point suitable to the interests of navigation, one end of said bridge to be in the corporate limits of the city of Van Buren, in accordance with the provisions of the Act of Congress entitled “An Act to regulate the con- V°l· 8*- l’· 8* struction of bridges over navigable waters," approved March twenty- third, nineteen hundred and six. Sec. 2. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby ‘m°“d“‘°“‘· expressly reserved. Approved, February 26, 1910. CHAP.'66.—-·An A e mend an Aa authorizi new ni ri, s s r·in F¤¤*¤¤¤26·1°*°· and Gretta Railroad (goiggainy, of Maryland, to entenrgthe Disl?ictlb%’wColu£d1biaI:wi1§li amendments, approved February eighteenth, nineteen hundred and seven. [P¤bli¢· N0· 66·] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of]? esentatices of the United _ _ States of America in Congress assembled, Tegdt section eighteen of an D1¥§f,§‘§°,_,‘§f§,’§l,‘?,’,§‘b}§; Act authorizilnig the Washington, Spa Spr·in s and Gretta Railroad ggggglucrgns yggh- Conlalpany, of aryland, a corporation created by the laws of the State mr céempiranioedis of aryland and authorized by an Act of Congress a proved February V°r “· *’· 8°°· eighteenth, nineteen hundred and seven, to extendprts line into the. District of Columbia, as amended by an Act approved March third, ,,Q,',,*,§,;,,f°· "· ""°· nineteen hundred and nine, be, and the same is hereby, amended to read as follows: "Sec. 18. That the construction of the said extension of the lines ,,§§f"° °' °°“'“’“°“ of said railroad company within the District of Columbia shall be completed within six months from the passage of this Act and cars in operation within the said period in de ault of which this Act shall be void and of no effect: And provided jini/cer, That all the rights, duties, §",§§'{, md ,,,,,0, obligations, and requirements as to permits and deposits contained in isthe Act of February eighteenth, nineteen hundred and seven, authorizing the Washington, S a Springs and Gretta Railroad Company to enter the District of Coliimbra, and all obligations imposed on said company by the Act amending the same, approved Marc third, nineteen hundred and nine, shal , in conjunction with this amendment, remain in full force and etfect.” Approved, February 26, 1910. cans. ev.-An Act For me relief or John xv. nun and c. M. cox. "°g,*{**;{*,§§,g§*°· Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representati·ves of the United l*’“"“°· N°· 6"-l States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the {}§§',§,§;,D}'§‘§ wv, Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to audit and im pay the account of John W. Dula, of Wi1kesboro, Wilkes County, 'orth Carolina, for services rendered as United States de facto com- _ missioner for the western district of North Carolina from December second, nineteen hundred and eight, to and including June fifth, nineteen hundred and nine, the same as if he had been regularly appointed; . and the acts of the said John W. Dula as United States commissioner ,,*°*§,,",i, de facto during said period are hereby legalized and declared to be of ;:·emdh&rtct.|¢I¤l· force and elfect. e “ B87·l0“·-vox. 36, rr 1-11--17